
Walking, cycling and electric vehicle plans

Plans to make walking, wheeling and cycling quicker, easier and safer for everyone.

We have agreed these plans to make walking, wheeling and cycling quicker, easier and safer for everyone in the borough.

The walking plan

We will prioritises pedestrians and improve streets and paths for everyone, including people who:

  • have mobility issues
  • use wheelchairs or mobility scooters
  • are visually impaired
  • travel with children and prams

The walking plan sets out how we will achieve this.

Download the walking plan

The cycling plan

We want Southwark to be a borough where everyone who would like to cycle, can.

The cycling plan explains how we'll create a network of safe, accessible streets and routes for all types of bicycles.

Download the cycling plan

The electric vehicle plan

Increasing walking, wheeling, cycling and public transport are our key priorities. Where these are not possible, we want to support residents and businesses to electrify their vehicle fleets, as well as our own fleet.

The electric vehicle plan sets out how we will respond to requests from residents and businesses for more EV charge points.

Download the electric vehicle plan