
Apply for or renew a Blue Badge

Find out how to apply for or renew a Blue Badge

You can apply for a Blue Badge for yourself or for someone else. 

Blue Badges are not issued to the family, carers or friends of someone with severe mobility problems.

The cost of a Blue Badge is £10 per badge, payable with a credit or debit card. We now charge for each badge issued. This includes renewals as well as replacements for lost or stolen badges.

We may also ask you to visit our offices for a free face-to-face assessment. This is to see if you meet the Blue Badge rules, and is not a full health check.

Apply for a Blue Badge

Renew your Blue Badge

It is your responsibility to know the expiry date of your Blue Badge, and to apply for a renewal in time. We recommend that you apply 12 weeks in advance of the expiry date.

Renew your Blue Badge

Replace a Blue Badge

You will need a crime reference number or an Immobilise reference number to apply for a replacement badge.

If your badge is stolen, report the theft to the police. You will be given a crime reference number.

If you lose your badge, report it to the National Property Register on Immobilise and get an immobilise reference number.

Once you have either a crime reference number or an immobilise reference number, you can 

Apply for a replacement Blue Badge

Eligibility for a Blue Badge

You are eligible for a Blue Badge if you:

  • are registered blind
  • get War Pension Mobility Supplement
  • receive the higher rate of the mobility component of the Disability Living Allowance
  • score 8 points or more in 'Moving Around' with Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
  • receives PIP for “planning and following a journey” for descriptor E (cannot undertake any journey because it would cause overwhelming psychological distress)
  • receive a lump sum from the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme at tariffs 1 to 8, and have been assessed by the Service Personnel and Veterans Agency as being unable or virtually unable to walk

You may qualify if you:

  • have an enduring and substantial disability that prevents you from walking, or makes walking very difficult
  • drive a motor vehicle regularly, have a severe disability in both arms, and are unable to operate all or some types of parking meters, or would find it very difficult to operate them
  • experience considerable difficulty whilst walking which may include considerable psychological distress (hidden disabilities)
  • are at serious risk of harm when walking or pose, when walking, a risk of serious harm to any other person (hidden disabilities)

Children under 3 may qualify if they:

  • must always be accompanied by bulky medical equipment which cannot be carried around without great difficulty
  • must be near a vehicle at all times, so that they can be treated in the vehicle or quickly driven to a place where they can be treated (such as a hospital)

Organisations caring for disabled people may apply for a Blue Badge. Call us on 0207 525 2146 or 0300 300 3602 for an application form.

Get help to apply for a Blue Badge