Public toilets in Southwark
Find details of free public toilets in Southwark.
Camberwell and Dulwich
Where | Opening | Facilities |
Camberwell Library 48, Camberwell Green,SE5 7AL |
Mon to Fri 9am to 8pm Sat 9am to 5pm Sun 12 pm to 4pm |
Toilets, disabled toilets, baby change |
Kings College Hospital 154 Denmark Hill, SE5 9RS |
24/7 | Toilets, disabled toilets, baby change |
Dulwich Library 368 Lordship Lane, SE22 8NB |
Mon, Thu and Fri 9am to 8pm Tue 10am to 8pm Sat 9am to 5pm Sun 12pm to 4pm |
Toilets, disabled toilets, baby change |
Kingswood Library Kingswood House, Seeley Drive, SE21 8QR |
Mon and Thu 10am to 2pm Tue and Fri 2pm to 6pm Sat 1pm to 5pm |
Toilets, disabled toilets, baby change |
Grove Vale Library 18-22 Grove Vale, East Dulwich, SE22 8EQ |
Mon, Tue and Thu 10am to 7pm Fri 10am to 3pm Sat 10am to 5pm closed Wed and Sun |
Toilets, baby change |
Belair Park Gallery Road, SE21 7AD |
Open daily at 7.30am, closing times vary through the year | Toilets, disabled toilets, baby change |
Camberwell Old Cemetery Forest Hill Road, SE22 0RU |
1 Apr to 30 Sep: Mon to Sat, 8.30am to 7pm, Sun and Bank Holidays 10am to 7pm 1 Oct to 31 Mar: Mon to Sat, 8.30am to 5pm, Sun and Bank Holidays 10am to 5pm Christmas Day 10am to 2pm |
Toilets, disabled toilets, baby change |
Dulwich Park, cycle hire block College Gate Road, SE21 7BQ |
Open daily at 7.30am, closing times vary through the year | Toilets, disabled toilets |
Dulwich Park, Clock House café College Gate Road, SE21 7BQ |
Open daily at 7.30am, closing times vary through the year | Toilets, disabled toilets |
Dulwich Park, Francis Peek Centre SE21 7BQ |
Open daily at 7.30am, closing times vary through the year |