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Don't forget - if you are voting at your polling station on Thursday 4 July, you’ll need to bring valid photo ID. 
Check your ID now.
Find out more about voting and elections in Southwark.

Leyton Square improvements

We have money available for Leyton Square Park in Peckham.

The park contains two buildings, one which is empty and one which is currently used for under 5’s day care. Unfortunately due to their condition, we will eventually need to demolish these buildings.

We are considering a proposal to replace these buildings with a single new building. This will be a mixed-use community facility.

Next Steps

A feasibility study is underway and will explore the local community’s needs. This will investigate how much it will cost to construct a new building.

 A public consultation will be held in Summer 2024 to find out if people would like a new building and what it should be used for.

If you’d like more information or to join the project mailing list, please email

Leyton Square
Leyton Square, including the two buildings, picnic bench and small play area.


Page last updated: 07 March 2024


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