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Planning application fees

Concessions and refunds


Some types of development and applications do not have a fee. If you submit an application and it's exempt from a fee, we'll check this when we process your application.

The most common application types that you do not need to pay a fee for are: 

  • Listed Building Consent applications
  • works to an existing house to provide access to the house, or inside the house, for a disabled person who lives there; this does not include the construction of a new house
  • works with the sole purpose of providing a means of access to a disabled person to or within a building which is accessible to the public
  • relevant demolition in a Conservation Area 
  • works to trees covered by a Tree Protection Order 
  • if you submit two applications for the same site within 24 hours, there's a 50% discount on the fee for the second application 

Look at the Planning Portal fee guide if you're not sure if you need to pay a fee for the works you want to do,


You can ask for a refund for your application up until we make it valid. You should do this by contacting the planning department or on the Planning Portal. We make most applications valid within 3 to 5 working days, so if you want a refund you have to let us know as soon as possible. 

If we let you know that we cannot make your application valid and do not hear from you for 35 days, we will close your application. We will let you know we have done this by email or letter and will send you instructions on applying for a refund. We do not automatically issue refunds when this happens. 

We do not usually offer refunds once we've made an application valid. This is due to the amount of time that we've already spent processing and assessing the application and other council costs, including sending consultation letters and press notices. 

Page last updated: 12 April 2024


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