Housing facts and figures 2004/2005 to 2021

Housing Delivery Test Action Plan (2021)

The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government introduced the Housing Delivery Test in November 2018, as a mechanism to monitor housing delivery locally. The Housing Delivery Test is a percentage measurement which compares the number of net new homes delivered over the previous three years, against the authority's net housing requirement. Southwark has prepared a Housing Delivery Test Action Plan to provide an overview of housing delivery within the borough, setting out the various programmes and initiatives that are currently being undertaken to boost the delivery of new homes.

Southwark has prepared an Action Plan (PDF, 915kb) to continue to increase the delivery of homes in the borough. The Action Plan will be reviewed annually following the publication of the Housing Delivery Test results.

In March 2020, the GLA wrote to the council (PDF, 74kb) confirming the delivery figures for Southwark for the financial year 2019/20. These figures were reported inaccurately in the Housing Delivery Test results January 2020. The council wrote to the Secretary of State (PDF, 353kb) to clarify this and will be looking to resubmit the accurate delivery figures to MHCLG to ensure that they are accounted for.

Housing Delivery test Action Plan (2019)

The Action Plan (PDF, 703kb) was agreed by Cabinet on 17 September 2019, along with the submission of an equalities impact assessment (PDF, 216kb)

As set out in the Action Plan, Southwark Council is confident that is playing its part in boosting the number of homes delivered. In a letter to the Secretary of State (PDF, 186kb), Southwark has asked the government to do more than it's currently doing to help local authorities meet the housing challenge.

Page last updated: 13 March 2024


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