Southwark community energy fund
Example projects
Stream A example project
Kingswood Arts energy saving project
Kingswood Arts is a cultural hub. It was awarded funding for a pre-feasibility study. This study is looking into which low-carbon technologies and energy saving measures could be considered as part of an architectural masterplan. This is also considering how Kingswood House’s historical features can be maintained.
The project will also engage the community and users of the arts centre by forming an Energy Busters group and carrying out public events.
Stream B example project
Repowering community energy co-op rooftop PV
Repowering is a community energy organisation. It was awarded funding to undertake feasibility studies on six sites in Southwark. This will help to understand if they are suitable for community-owned rooftop solar.
The project aims to empower the community to create, control and benefit from the renewable energy being produced. Any additional income from the renewable energy goes into a community fund which will be re-invested. This could support energy saving advice or energy-efficiency measures.
Stream C example project
LED installation at Bermondsey Central Hall
SE24 is a community energy organisation. It was awarded funding to install 107 new LED light fittings at Bermondsey Central Hall. The new fittings are estimated to reduce electricity consumption by 58% which equates to 7MWh per year.
The scheme will
- save Bermondsey Central Hall money on its electricity bills
- improve the quality of light in the building
- reduce the CO2 emissions associated with grid electricity supplies by just under 10 tonnes over the ten-year project period
Stream D example project
Operation Tackle Fuel Poverty
Flashy Wings Ministry is a charity that supports women and girls by helping them deal with social, economic, emotional, and personal issues.
The project was funded to bring education, awareness, and empowerment around energy issues. The project will set up 15 workshops with various community groups in Southwark including faith groups, TRAs, and other community groups.