Southwark community energy fund
Who can apply to the Southwark community energy fund
The fund is open to all groups with charitable or not-for-profit aims, that are based or work within Southwark.
We welcome applications from groups who have not been involved in energy projects before. You do not have to be an energy or environmental group.
Groups that are able to apply:
- existing community and voluntary groups who wish to do energy projects
- new and existing Community Energy Groups (CEGs)
- Community Interest Companies (CICs), Community Benefit Societies (CBSs), Cooperatives, or similar
- registered tenants’ and residents’ associations, or tenant management organisations charities
- schools, colleges and early years settings
- faith groups
- a group of residents, or neighbours who wish to form a community energy group or cooperative
Other organisations could also be considered if they are a properly constituted organisation, with a registered address in England. If you are unsure if your group is eligible, please contact us.
To receive funding, you must have a bank account. If your application is submitted by a consortium or partnership of groups, then the lead applicant must have a bank account.