
Archaeology and scheduled monuments

The important archaeology sites in Southwark. How we manage and protect them with planning policies.

Archaeological priority areas (APAs)

We have thoroughly documented and mapped the archaeology of Southwark. We have defined 6 key areas as archaeological priority areas (APAs):

  • APA1 - North Southwark and Roman Roads
  • APA2 - Walworth Village
  • APA3 - Camberwell Village
  • APA4 - Peckham Village
  • APA5 - Dulwich Village
  • APA6 - Lordship Lane Burial Mound

These areas have archaeological interest and potential for new discoveries.

Historic England's Greater London Historic Environment Record (GLHER) forms the basis for the location and size of these areas.  

Sites within an archaeological priority zone

If you're planning to develop a site in an APA, you should consult with the archaeology officer early. Each site is unique, so we need to appraise its significance and the impact of the development.

The archaeology officer will:

  • explain the archaeological interventions your site needs to meet current policy and guidance
  • help you through the planning process
  • monitor the quality of archaeological work undertaken by contractors and consultants
  • make sure that the archaeological project meets its research objectives
  • promote best practice

Consult early. This is recommended to design the best strategy for your site.

You can request the results of archaeology investigations from the archaeology officer by emailing  

Archaeological remains are not only found in the APAs. Sites of interest can be found outside these zones.

The River Thames is London's largest archaeological site. Any development affecting it will need archaeological safeguards and appropriate permissions. This also applies to the Tower of London UNESCO World Heritage Site (WHS) and its immediate ‘local setting’.