You must submit the minimum biodiversity net gain requirements and the local requirements for all small site planning applications.
You will also need to submit all other relevant supporting information. The case officer may ask for it at the pre-application stage or during the application process.
From 2 April 2024, small site plans must have 10% more biodiversity. Examples of a small site include:
- applications of 1 and 9 dwellings on a site of an area 1 hectare or less or if the number of dwellings is unknown, the site area is less than 0.5 hectares
- commercial development where floor space created is less than 1,000 sq m or total site area is less than 1 hectare
If you think your site is exempt from this requirement, check the biodiversity net gain guidance.
Reasons for an exemption must be provided in your application form and be supported by evidence.
If you're claiming exemption due to custom or self-build, you must complete the exemption form. It should be submitted with your planning application.
If you're claiming exemption based on the BNG 'de minimis' threshold, submit photographs of the site, aerial photography, relevant reports or a scaled plan.
Check Southwark Maps and select layer 'Priority Habitats in Southwark and within 500m of the Southwark borough boundary correct as of February 2024' to check if your site has priority habitat. If it does, you will not be able to claim an exemption.
Minimum requirements
Read what you need to include when submitting a planning application.
It includes a completed small sites (statutory) metric and a scaled plan showing on-site habitats. A competent person such as an ecologist should complete the metric. They need special knowledge of habitat types and conditions. They can advise on the calculations.
If your site includes priority habitat, the statutory major sites metric must be used.
You can find an ecology consultant on the CIEEM website. Use our pre-application service if you are unclear on the requirements of your biodiversity net gain strategy.
Besides the minimum information requirements (set by government), we also need:
- the correct statutory biodiversity metric with the post-development tabs completed showing how you intend to achieve the minimum 10% biodiversity net gain target
- photographs and maps
- a biodiversity report showing how you have followed the biodiversity gain hierarchy
- justification of the use of off-site biodiversity units or statutory biodiversity credits
- draft on-site post-intervention proposed habitat plan
- a site baseline habitat plan and of any an off-site post-intervention proposed habitat plan
Schemes that propose considerable biodiversity or off-site gains need more details on the biodiversity net gain strategy. You should discuss this with us at the pre-application stage.