
Planning checklists - full planning application

What to include with a full planning application.

Make a full planning application for works including:

  • new commercial buildings
  • a single flat, or more than 1 house or flat
  • the creation of new homes (new build or through conversion)
  • changing the use of a building
  • the demolition of buildings

A minor planning application is for works affecting up to 9 homes, or up to 1,000 sq m floorspace.

A major planning application is for works affecting 10 or more homes, or over 1,000 sq m floorspace.

Full planning application - what must be included

Application form

Use the 'Full planning consent' application form from the Planning Portal.

Fill in all relevant parts of the form.

Sign and date the application form before you submit it.

If you're not able to submit your application online, download copies of all application forms from the Planning Portal website.

Policy which requires this

This is a national requirement set out in The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) 2015 (as amended).

Ownership certificate

Fill in the certificate to confirm who owns the application site using the correct certificate or notice:

  • certificate A for sole ownership and no agricultural tenants
  • certificate B if you know who the owner or agricultural tenants are, or if you share the ownership with others and know them (you also need to complete notice 1)
  • certificate C if you are not the owner but know some of them or if you share ownership and know some of the other owners (you also need to complete notice 1 and complete notice 2)

certificate D if you do not know any of the owners or you're an owner but do not know any of the owners or tenants (you also need to complete notice 2)

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) additional questions form

The CIL is a charge we set on development. We use the money to deliver the infrastructure needed to support development in Southwark. You must submit CIL information for all application types.

Make sure you:

Refer to the Planning Portal guidance on what CIL forms to submit

Policy which requires this

The Community infrastructure Levy.

Location plan

Submit a plan of the site showing the application site and its surrounding area.

Make sure you:

  • scale plans at 1:1,250 or 1:2,500 and include a scale bar on each plan, on A4 or A3 paper size 
  • use an up-to-date base map
  • show roads or buildings on land adjoining the application site (labelling at least 2 roads)
  • outline the application site clearly in red: this must include all land required for access to the site from a public highway, visibility splays, landscaping, car parking and open areas around buildings
  • outline any additional land under the ownership of the applicant in blue if it immediately adjoins the proposed area


Site plan

Submit a site plan showing the development site, its boundaries and on-site buildings.

Make sure you:

  • scale at 1:100 or 1:50 on A4 or A3 paper size (unless a different scale is required)
  • include a scale bar and north arrow
  • clearly label and number all immediately adjoining buildings and all main roads surrounding the site
  • outline in red the property and all land required for access to the site from a public highway, visibility splays, landscaping, car parking and open areas around buildings
  • outline in blue any other land within your control that is close to or adjoining the application site


Existing and proposed floor plans

If you are changing the inside of the building, submit the old and proposed floor plan drawings.

Make sure you:

  • submit an individual floor plan for each floor of the building
  • scale plans at 1:100 or 1:50 on A4 and A3 paper size
  • include a scale bar on each plan
  • include a unique reference number on each drawing
  • show any proposed buildings (including extensions and outbuildings) in context with neighbouring buildings
  • include written dimensions, especially for proposed extensions
  • include details of materials used in the development
Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policies P13, P14, P15, and P56.


Existing and proposed elevation drawings

The drawings should show the building's outside now and after the proposed changes. 

Make sure you:

  • submit an individual elevation drawing for the front, back, and both sides of the building
  • show any proposed buildings (including household extensions and outbuildings) in context with neighbouring buildings
Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policies P13, P14, P15, P56.

Fire safety strategy (or Reasonable exception form)

Check guidance by the Greater London Authority on the requirements of a fire safety strategy

Your strategy should include:

  • name and title of who wrote and approved the planning application's fire safety information, with a clear statement describing their competence, including relevant qualifications and experience
  • information under each part of London Plan Policy D12 (A); this should be specific and relevant to the proposed development
  • the relevant safety design codes and standards and how these make sure the proposed development achieves the highest standards of fire safety proportionate to the size and nature of the development 

Submit a Reasonable exception form if the application:  

  • creates no additional dwellings or commercial units and
  • does not provide a new lift and
  • does not change external materials and
  • does not change internal or external communal areas that form part of the evacuation strategy for the property
Policy which requires this 

London Plan 2021 Policy D 12.

Fire statement

Complete and submit  fire statement.

You must refer to the London Plan Policy D12 (B) draft fire statement guidance and provide all listed required information.

Policy which requires this 

London Plan 2021 Policy D12 (B).

Full planning application - what you may need to also submit

Affordable housing contribution

Policy P1 requires you to help provide affordable housing in Southwark. This applies to any application that creates 1 or more homes.

Where affordable housing cannot be on or off-site, a payment in lieu is usually payable. This payment goes towards the cost of affordable housing in Southwark.

The contribution is at least 35% of the habitable rooms of an entire development. The minimum payments (subject to viability) are:

1. CIL Zone 1 and 2:

  • 35% at £100,000 per habitable room when a viability appraisal is required
  • 40% at £100,000 per habitable room when an application is fast-tracked and no viability appraisal is done

2. Aylesbury Area Action Core:

  • 35% at £100,000 per habitable room when a viability appraisal is required
  • 60% at £100,000 per habitable room when an application is fast-tracked and no viability appraisal is done

3. CIL Zone 3 

  • 35% at £82,000 per habitable room when a viability appraisal is required
  • 40% at £82,000 per habitable room when an application is fast-tracked and no viability appraisal is done

Self-build properties anywhere in Southwark

  • 35% at £30,000 per habitable room when a viability appraisal is required
  • 40% at £30,000 per habitable room when an application is fast-tracked and no viability appraisal is done

You do not need to pay the affordable housing contribution if your development is:

  • the replacement of a single-home
  • converting 2 or more homes to 1 home (de-conversions)
  • extensions to residential buildings or domestic home extensions that do not result in additional homes
  • change of use from an HMO (C4) to a dwelling (C3)
  • change of use from a dwelling (C3) to an HMO (C4)
  • self-build properties unless the property is put on the market within 3 years of being lived in (you will still need to calculate the affordable housing contribution, complete a viability appraisal and a legal agreement)
Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 P1.

Accessibility drawings

Provide drawings that include details on a ramp or gradient for access and/or Blue Badge parking.

Label plans with spot levels, the slope, and the ramp's length and landing sizes. Labels must show how the ramp meets the public highway.

Drawings must also:

  • confirm that ramps and gradients are compliant with either BS 8300:1 or Document M standards, depending on the building type
  • show Blue Badge parking areas, including access routes for pedestrians to and from vehicles from all uses on the site and from the public highway, with gradients and spot levels
Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policy P55.


Affordable workspace strategy

Refer to Southwark's management of affordable workspaces.

You must have agreed on this payment with us, through the affordable workspace in-lieu payment calculator.

Prepare and submit a strategy that must include: 

  • management arrangements (direct let or affordable workspace occupier)
  • length of lease/availability of affordable workspace (minimum 30 years)
  • total employment floorspace of the scheme (sq m GIA and type - office/light industrial/creative)
  • total affordable workspace proposed (sq m GIA, number of units/desks, and type – office/light industrial/creative)
  • percentage of total employment floorspace (minimum 10% affordable workspace)
  • evidence of current local market rent levels for the type of employment floorspace proposed
  • affordable rent level proposed (pounds per square foot or percentage discount to market rent)
  • details of any rent-free periods, staircase rent arrangements, service charges, break clauses, utilities or any additional management or maintenance charges
  • affordable workspace fit-out specification (to include mechanical and electrical fit-out, heating and cooling provision, kitchen and toilet facilities, sprinklers)
  • marketing strategy to demonstrate how the affordable workspace will be marketed and prioritised to reach appropriate occupiers
  • how the affordable workspace will be accessible to a diverse range of occupiers and affordable workspace providers 

In rare cases, on-site affordable workspace is impossible. In these cases, provide details of payment for off-site affordable workspace.

Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policy P31.

Air quality neutral assessment

Follow the GLA's draft guidance on air quality neutral and our technical guidance on air quality.

Submit an air quality neutral assessment (AQNA) with all minor planning applications unless your development:

  • does not create additional car parking
  • does not lead to an increase in localised car journeys
  • does not include new combustion plants such as gas-fired boilers
  • is connected to an existing heat network, or includes gas boilers with nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) emissions below 40 mg/kWh
  • has new parking that does not exceed London Plan policies T6 and T6.1 to T6.5
Policy which requires this

London Plan 2021 Policy SI 1.

Archaeological desk-based assessment

You must determine the archaeological interest and potential of the site, and assess the impacts of the proposed development.

Use our heritage guidance to help your assessment.

Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policy P23.

Archaeological evaluation report

 Appoint an archaeologist to write a scheme of investigation for an archaeological evaluation.

This should detail the work's method statement. It should also assess the impact of your development proposal, and propose a range of archaeological techniques.

Our archaeologist will agree to the method statement before work starts.

The completed archaeological evaluation report must detail the results of the work. It must meet the standards of the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists.

Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policy P23.

Basement impact assessment

Use our residential design guidance to help your assessment.

The assessment should be prepared by a self-certified engineer or geologist. They must be suitably qualified and a member of a relevant professional body.

The assessment must evaluate the direct and indirect implications of the proposed basement development.

It should include:

  • a floor plan
  • section drawing
  • details of the basement ceiling height
  • access points
  • details of roof lights
Policy which requires this 

Southwark Plan 2022 policies P14, P68.

Bat survey

qualified ecologist must prepare the survey. 

Read Natural England’s standing advice for bats. It will tell you which development types need a bat survey.

Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policy P60.


Biodiversity net gain

You must submit the minimum biodiversity net gain requirements and the local requirements for all small site planning applications.

You will also need to submit all other relevant supporting information. The case officer may ask for it at the pre-application stage or during the application process. 

From 2 April 2024, small site plans must have 10% more biodiversity. Examples of a small site include:

  • applications of 1 and 9 dwellings on a site of an area 1 hectare or less or if the number of dwellings is unknown, the site area is less than 0.5 hectares
  • commercial development where floor space created is less than 1,000 sq m or total site area is less than 1 hectare

If you think your site is exempt from this requirement, check the biodiversity net gain guidance.

Reasons for an exemption must be provided in your application form and be supported by evidence.

Check Southwark Maps and select layer 'Priority Habitats in Southwark and within 500m of the Southwark borough boundary correct as of February 2024' to check whether your site has priority habitat. If it does, you will not be able to claim an exemption.

Minimum requirements

Read what you need to include when submitting a planning application.

It includes a completed small sites (statutory) metric and a scaled plan showing on-site habitats. A competent person such as an ecologist should complete the metric. They need special knowledge of habitat types and conditions. They can advise on the calculations.  

Priority habitats conserve biodiversity, are nationally listed and are promoted through agri-environment schemes. You can check if your site includes priority habitat on Southwark Maps (select ‘Priority habitats’ layer within 500m of the Southwark boundary). If it does,, you wil not be able to claim an exemption. 

You can find an ecology consultant on the CIEEM website. Use ourpre-application service if you are unclear on the requirements of your biodiversity net gain strategy. 

Besides the minimum information requirements (set by government), we also need: 

  • the correct statutory biodiversity metric with the post-development tabs completed showing how you intend to achieve the minimum 10% biodiversity net gain target
  • photographs and maps
  • a biodiversity report showing how you have followed the biodiversity gain hierarchy
  • justification of the use of off-site biodiversity units or statutory biodiversity credits
  • draft on-site post-intervention proposed habitat plan
  •  a site baseline habitat plan and of any an off-site post-intervention proposed habitat plan   

Schemes that propose considerable biodiversity or off-site gains need more details on the biodiversity net gain strategy. You should discuss this with us at the pre-application stage.  

After we have granted approval

Once you get planning approval, you must submit a biodiversity gain plan (BGP)  that includes:

  • your final small sites biodiversity metric
  • pre and post-development plans

If your site has a big biodiversity net gain, or if there will be off-site gains, you must also include a habitat management and monitoring plan.  It must show how the land will be managed for biodiversity net gain for a minimum of 30 years.

Policy which requires this

Schedule 7A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (inserted by the Environment Act 2021).

Business relocation strategy

Provide a plan to relocate small or independent shops displaced by the development.

Follow our guidance on preparing a business relocation strategy

Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policies P22, P23.



Submit cross-section drawings with planning applications for:

  • alterations to ground levels including raised or sunken patios, decking and steps
  • the conversion of a basement or loft to living space, where ceiling heights might not be consistent

Make sure you:

  • scale plans at 1:100 or 1:50 on A4 and A3 paper size 
  • include a scale bar on each plan
  • include a unique reference number on each drawing
  • include written dimensions, especially for proposed extensions
  • include measurements of ceiling heights on the drawings
  • label any living space with a ceiling height of less than 2.3m

Cycle parking

Submit plans for both short-stay, visitor and long-stay cycle parking or stores.

For short stay and visitor parking, you must show the full extent of the Sheffield-style bicycle stand provision. This includes the context of the site and public roads.

For long-stay cycle stores, you must show the placement of all stand types, including:

  • dimensions of the store
  • distance between parking stands
  • aisle widths
  • access point width
  • floor to ceiling height
  • clear head room
  • width of store door

Read the London Cycling Design Standards for more information.

Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policy P53.

Daylight and sunlight impact assessment

Follow our guidance on residential design standards and the Building Research Establishment's good practice guide.

Make sure you:

  • show the daylight and sunlight tests on submitted drawings
  • submit a report to confirm the final daylight and sunlight values achieved by any proposal in a restricted setting
  • get a qualified professional to prepare the assessment evidence following BRE guidance's for major and complex minor applications
Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policy P56.

Delivery and servicing management plan

Make sure you:

  • include an accumulation study
  • include a service routing plan
  • show how larger vehicles can drive into a defined area within the site and that the space is large enough for the vehicle to undertake a 3-point turn, leaving the site in forward gear

show how delivery and servicing will be facilitated within the red line boundary of the site and not on the public highway (read TfL’s delivery and servicing plan guidance)

Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policy P50.

Demolition or construction management plan

Submit a Demolition/Construction Management Plan (D/CEMP) 

to explain how you will manage and lessen harm from the construction on the environment and neighbours.

Read our technical guidance on demolition and construction.

Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policy P50.

Design and access statement

The level of detail in a Design and Access Statement should be proportionate to the complexity of the application but should not be long. For most straightforward planning applications, the DAS may only need to be a page long.

Include details about: 

  • site safety
  • site security
  • site accessibility
  • the relationship between the proposed buildings and their surroundings 

Read more about design and access statements.

Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policy P13, P14.

Equalities impact statement

Submit a completed equalities impact assessment form:

It should explain: 

  • how your application promotes equality across protected characteristic groups

  • how protected characteristic groups may be negatively affected by your proposal

  • detailed actions to mitigate any identified negative impacts on groups with protected characteristics

Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policies SP2, P1, P7, P8, P12, P31, P33, P46, P47, P65.

Ecological impact assessment

This includes sites close to or impacting on parks, open spaces and sites of importance for nature conservation.

You must submit an assessment for:

  • all proposed tree works
  • development affecting mature trees
  • trees with obvious holes, cracks and cavities
  • trees with a girth greater than 1m at chest height
  • proposals affecting ‘derelict’ land (brownfield sites), allotments and mature gardens
  • railway land including bare ground that may support groundnesting birds or invertebrates
  • proposals including the modification, conversion, demolition or removal of buildings and structures (especially roof voids)

Check Southwark Maps to see if your development address is within an open space. Some applications need a preliminary ecological assessment. This is when there's no habitat, apart from buildings and hard standing. In this case, no further assessment is necessary.

Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policies P57, P59, P60.

Foul sewage and utilities assessment

Show that you have examined the impact your development will have on the drainage or sewerage infrastructure.

Make sure you consult with the service provider before completing this assessment.

Relevant technical guidance is provided in Building Regulations Approved Document Part H (Drainage and waste disposal).

Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policy P67.

Flood risk assessment

Check Southwark Maps to see if your development is in a flood risk area.

Read our information about flood risk and the government's guidance on when and how to complete a flood risk assessment.

  1. Turn on the 'Flooding' map layer.
  2. Enter your address.

Your assessment must list flood measures. It must also confirm actions to be taken before and during a flood.

Make sure you:

  • identify the risks of all forms of flooding to and from the development site
  • show how you will manage flood risks, taking climate change into account
  • identify opportunities to reduce the probability and consequences of flooding
  • include the design of surface water management systems including sustainable drainage systems
  • provide safe access to and from the development site in areas at risk of flooding

You will usually need to pay a flood risk specialist to carry out the flood risk assessment for you.


Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policy P68.

Heritage statement

Follow our guidance about how to prepare a heritage statement.

Policy which requires this 

Southwark Plan 2022 policies P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18, P19,P20, P21, P23, P24, P25, P26.

Land contamination assessment

The assessment should combine a desk study and a site visit.

It should include:

  • the scope of a site inspection
  • a review of historical land use
  • a review of the environmental setting
  • consultation with relevant regulatory authorities
  • qualitative environmental risk assessment
  • a review of existing relevant reports

The assessment should be carried out in accordance with established procedures such as:

Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policy P64.

Lighting assessment

Make sure the assessment includes:

  • layout plan with beam orientation
  • schedule of the equipment in the design
  • hours of operation
  • light levels and spillage
  • the size of the lights/light fittings
  • the distance from the edge of the sign to the kerb edge (for projection signs)

You must also show how your proposal will impact biodiversity. This is needed if your development is on or near a site important for nature's conservation.

Read the Institution of Lighting Professionals' guidance for the reduction of obtrusive light.

Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policy P56.

Marketing statement

Provide evidence of an active marketing campaign:

  • for a continuous period of at least 2 years immediately before any planning application
  • whilst the premises were vacant
  • which has shown to be unsuccessful

Read our guidance on completing a marketing statement.

Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policies P30, P38, P42, P45, P46, P47.

Navigational risk assessment

Contact the Port of London Authority District Harbour Master, who is responsible for determining if:

  • an impact on navigation exists
  • a navigational risk assessment is required

Contact the Harbour Master on 0207 743 7906 or email

Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policy P25.

Noise impact assessment

The assessment must be prepared by a suitably qualified acoustician, detailing:

  • noise exposure categories
  • associated impact and mitigation measures
  • layout, design and insulation

Read government guidance on what you should include in a noise assessment.

Read the IOA’s professional practice guidance on planning and noise.

Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policy P56, P66.


Send pictures of the existing building and the entire application site. The photos should:

  • show each elevation of the building
  • include any outbuildings and trees on the site
  • include the property boundaries
  • include details of where each photograph was taken
  • indicate the direction the photograph is aimed towards 
Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policy P13.

Refuse storage and collection strategy

Confirm that you have followed our guidance for waste collection and explain how waste will be stored and managed on site.

Make sure you:

  • include a calculation to confirm that the residential waste requirements would be met on site
  • explain how loading and unloading requirements (including taxis for hotels) would be managed
  • show details of accessibility for waste vehicles and other servicing traffic
  • include a plan showing step-free access from the public highway to the waste storage area
  • say how you'll mitigate fire risks and amenity impacts relating to the storage of waste (for example, noise, odour, pests)
  • mark roads that are private or not managed by Southwark Council

For multi-unit residential schemes, you should also show on a plan drawing of an appropriate scale:

  • any dropped kerbs
  • the drag distance from the back edge of public highway
  • the size and capacity of all bins
  • the bin door width and swing
  • store dimensions
  • width of the footpath in front of the store
  • where you might put a bulky waste storage area
  • that no doors to bin stores open over the highway

For private dwellings, submit a plan which shows:

  • dedicated space for refuse and recycling
  • door swing (if applicable)
  • that no doors to bin stores open over the highway

For commercial development, submit a plan which shows:

  • any dropped kerbs
  • the drag distance from the back edge of a public highway
  • the size and capacity of all bins
  • the bin door width and swing
  • store dimensions
  • the width of the footpath in front of store
  • that no doors to bin stores open over the highway
Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policy P61.

Roof extensions, new lights or new outbuildings

Submit roof plans if you are making changes to an existing property such as adding an extension, roof lights or new outbuildings. 

Make sure you:

  • scale plans at 1:100 or 1:50 on A4 and A3 paper size 
  • include a scale bar on each plan
  • include a unique reference number on each drawing
  • include written dimensions, especially for proposed extensions
  • include details of materials used in the development

Schedule of accommodation

Submit a table of each unit (with a unique reference number) containing:

  • the total floorspace of each proposed residential unit
  • the floorspace of each room
  • amenity space

You should confirm whether each unit and room meets the minimum required standards set out in our residential design guidance.

You must also:

  • show dimensions in GIA and GEA for any commercial or other uses
  • ensure floor plans identify the unit reference number for each proposed unit with tenure
  • ensure floor plans make clear which units meet M4 of the building regulations
  • submit a site plan that clearly labels all disabled car parking spaces on site
Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policies P1, P2, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P55.

Sport and leisure facilities assessment

Submit a sport and leisure facilities assessment for developments where existing sports and leisure facilities are proposed to be redeveloped for a different use.

Consider the local need for open space, sports, and recreation. Also, consider the need for new facilities.

Our Playing Pitch Strategy provides an analysis of supply and demand for playing pitches in Southwark. Read also the guidance from Sport England.

Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policy P45.

Spot level and gradient plan

Often this plan is used when a property is being converted to provide disabled access.

Make sure you:

  • label all spot levels and gradients
  • include neighbouring properties
Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policy P56.

Transport statement

Identify the impact of the proposal on local transport infrastructure including:

  • road capacity
  • public transport
  • walking infrastructure
  • cycling infrastructure

Make sure you:

  • show the location and type of cycle parking on relevant plans
  • label wheelchair-accessible car parking spaces on relevant plans
  • provide details about deliveries and collections from the site

For minor applications, you'll also need to include:

  • any change to car parking and cycle parking spaces
  • details on accessibility to the site by all modes of transport
  • surveys of how people get to and from the site
  • explore the needs of all users (including people with a disability)

For major applications, in addition to all the details above, you must also include:

  • appropriate baseline data, alongside cumulative effects of existing and potential development in the area
  • a Travel Plan and a car and cycle parking provision statement
  • consideration of sustainable modes of transport in accordance with the London Plan and national policies
  • details of parking provision in in areas with a low Public Transport Accessibility Level and not covered by a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ)
  • if your site is near a train station and is not covered by a CPZ
  • if your site is close to a town centre and not in a CPZ

Check further details on transport provisions at and around the application site. Read Transport for London guidance on what to include in a transport assessment.

Tree survey

Appraise the quality of existing trees on the site. You also need to identify protection measures during construction. Read more about how we protect trees in Southwark.

The assessment must be prepared by a named project arboricultural consultant, and it should:

Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policies P59, P61.

Vehicle parking drawings

Submit vehicle parking drawings if your application is proposing new vehicle parking spaces or re-providing any vehicle parking spaces.

Include existing and proposed plan drawings at an appropriate scale for the development.

Make sure you:

  • mark car parking spaces with a 2.4m by 4.8m rectangle on both plans (this should include any hardstanding areas that could be used as parking)
  • clearly label all vehicle access points and vehicle crossovers on both plans
  • clearly label the number of active and passive electric vehicle charging points on both plans, if applicable
  • provide a swept path analysis for the largest vehicle to use the parking space
  • clearly label the total number of vehicle parking spaces

If you propose a new or altered vehicle crossover, or plan to change the existing boundary treatment, label and size pedestrian sightlines on both plans.

Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policy P54.


Ventilation or extraction statement

Submit information to:

  • show that where mechanical ventilation is proposed, it is necessary
  • show that you have considered options for passive design and ventilation
  • include odour abatement techniques and acoustic noise characteristics

The assessment should be carried out according to British Standard BS4142 (Method for Rating Industrial Noise Affecting Mixed Residential and Industrial Areas).

Get practical guidance on meeting the British Standard BS4142.

Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policies P34, P47, P55, P64, P65, P68.

Viability appraisal

You must provide a detailed viability appraisal that includes:

  • an executive summary that clearly outlines the key conclusions from the appraisal

  • a testable, editable electronic or software model that shows the calculations and assumptions used in the planning application

You must pay for the review of the financial viability appraisal or provide a solicitor’s undertaking to pay.

Read our development viability guidance.

Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policies SP1, P1, P9, IP3.

Major planning application - what you also may need to submit

Affordable housing statement

You need to submit an affordable housing statement with all major applications. 

Make sure you include:

  • a completed housing delivery monitoring schedule
  • details of what buildings are on the site now and how long they've been there
  • how you justify the level of affordable housing you propose
  • details of tenure integration or tenure blindness
  • details of any registered providers acting as partners in the development along with details of who will manage the housing (nomination rights)
  • details on how the affordable housing units will be allocated and managed
  • details about how the affordable homes will always remain affordable
  • evidence of the site search if affordable housing is proposed at a different site

Read our guidance on affordable housing.

Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policies SP1, P1, IP3.

Air quality assessment

You must submit an air quality assessment for all major applications.

To check this, you should:

  1. Open Southwark Maps.
  2. Turn on the 'Air Quality Management Area' map layer.
  3. Enter your address.

When you complete your assessment, make sure you take into account that Southwark's AQMA covers most of the borough and include:

  • baseline details for the site and local area 
  • your assessment methodology 
  • construction phase impact 
  • development impacts
  • any proposed mitigation measures 

Read planning practice guidance on air quality.

Read the GLA's draft guidance on air quality neutral and air quality positive.

Read our technical guidance on air quality.

Air quality positive assessment

Follow the GLA's guidance on air quality positive.

Outline the approach taken as part of the EIA that includes:

  • summary of site air quality constraints and opportunities
  • a map of constraints and opportunities
  • a matrix of adopted measures that will benefit air quality and minimise exposure to poor air quality on the site
  • a rationale for adoption or non-adoption of measures
  • a glossary of technical evaluations and assessments that have informed the measures adopted
  • a consultation implementation plan
  • a monitoring plan
  • how the design has been informed by air quality considerations
  • how each measure is justified and appropriate to improve air quality and reduce exposure to air pollution
  • what evidence you have of your projected air quality benefits
  • how you justify measures that reduce air quality

Read Planning Practice Guidance on air quality.

Read our technical guidance on air quality.

Policy which requires this

London Plan 2021 Guidance: Air Quality Positive 2021.

Biodiversity net gain

You must submit the minimum biodiversity net gain requirements and the local requirements for all small site planning applications.

You will also need to submit all other relevant supporting information. The case officer may ask for it at the pre-application stage or during the application process. 

From 2 April 2024, small site plans must have 10% more biodiversity. Examples of a small site include:

  • applications of 1 to 9 dwellings on a site of an area 1 hectare or less or if the number of dwellings is unknown, the site area is less than 0.5 hectares
  • commercial development where floor space created is less than 1,000 sq m or total site area is less than 1 hectare

If you think your site is exempt from this requirement, check the biodiversity net gain guidance.

Reasons for an exemption must be provided in your application form and be supported by evidence.

Check Southwark Maps and select layer 'Priority Habitats in Southwark and within 500m of the Southwark borough boundary correct as of February 2024' to check whether your site has priority habitat. If it does, you will not be able to claim an exemption.

Minimum requirements

Read what you need to include when submitting a planning application.

It includes a completed small sites (statutory) metric and a scaled plan showing on-site habitats. A competent person such as an ecologist should complete the metric. They need special knowledge of habitat types and conditions. They can advise on the calculations.  

Priority habitats conserve biodiversity, are nationally listed and are promoted through agri-environment schemes. You can check if your site includes priority habitat on Southwark Maps (select ‘Priority habitats’ layer within 500m of the Southwark boundary). If it does,, you wil not be able to claim an exemption. You can find an ecology consultant on the CIEEM website. Use our  pre-application service if you are unclear on the requirements of your biodiversity net gain strategy.

Besides the minimum information requirements (set by government), we also need: 

  • the correct statutory biodiversity metric with the post-development tabs completed showing how you intend to achieve the minimum 10% biodiversity net gain target
  • photographs and maps
  • a biodiversity report showing how you have followed the biodiversity gain hierarchy
  • justification of the use of off-site biodiversity units or statutory biodiversity credits
  • draft on-site post-intervention proposed habitat plan
  •  a site baseline habitat plan and of any an off-site post-intervention proposed habitat plan   

Schemes that propose considerable biodiversity or off-site gains need more details on the biodiversity net gain strategy. You should discuss this with us at the pre-application stage.  

After we have granted approval

Once you get planning approval, you must submit a biodiversity gain plan (BGP) that includes:

  • your final small sites biodiversity metric
  • pre and post-development plans

If your site has a big biodiversity net gain, or if there will be off-site gains, you must also include a habitat management and monitoring plan. It must show how the land will be managed for biodiversity net gain for a minimum of 30 years.

Be seen monitoring spreadsheet

Complete and submit the Greater London Authority (GLA) Be Seen monitoring template as a stand-alone document.

Make sure you:

  • submit the template to the GLA via their submission portal
  • update and submit the template at the pre-application, planning application and post-construction stages
  • keep monitoring and reporting until after construction has ended, to assess the performance gap

Read the guidance on 'Be seen' monitoring.

Policy which requires this

London Plan 2021 Policy SI 2.

BREEAM pre-assessment

Submit a pre-assessment, which illustrates how your ‘Excellent’ rating has been achieved. Also, submit dynamic thermal modelling where needed. 

Read about BREEAM certification.

Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policy P69.

Circular economy statement

Complete and submit the  GLA's ircular economy statement 

This includes:

  • a bill of materials
  • a recycling and waste reporting form

Submit an up-to-date circular economy statement at every stage of the development process.

Policy which requires this 

London Plan 2021 Policy SI 7.

Development consultation charter documents

Submit an early engagement strategy for all pre-applications with 10 or more proposed residential units. It should include:

Details of how to complete an early engagement strategy are set out in our statement of community involvement and development consultation charter.

Submit an engagement summary for all major applications with 10 or more proposed residential units and for all council schemes. It should be a summary of the engagement that took place with local stakeholders before an application was submitted. 

Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policies SP2, P1, P7, P8, P12, P31, P33, P46, P47, P65.

Draft head of terms

Submit a draft heads of terms for Section 106 (S106) agreement.

You must pay our legal fees for:

  • confirming and finalising the agreement
  • confirming and finalising the title
  • dealing with completion

This is charged at £250 to £300 per hour. VAT is not payable.

Read about Section 106 agreements.

Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policy IP3.

Educational needs assessment

Report on the number of children that are likely to live on the development during its lifetime and how the development relates to our pupil place planning report.

Policy which requires this 

Southwark Plan 2022 policy P27.

Environmental impact assessment

Make sure you:

Policy which requires this 

Schedule 1 of the 2017 regulations.

Energy statement

Complete and submit the GLA's energy statement

It should include: 

Read the GLA's guidance on energy statements.

Policy which requires this 

Southwark Plan 2022 policy P70 London Plan 2021 Policy SI 2.

Fire safety gateway 1 form

Submit a planning gateway 1 (fire safety) form.

Make sure you include:

  • the principles, concepts and approaches to fire safety that you applied to each building in the development
  • the site layout
  • emergency vehicle access and water supplies for firefighting purposes
  • how you consulted about fire safety and how you incorporated this feedback into your design
  • any policies relating to fire safety that you have considered

Policy which requires this

Town and Country Planning Development Management Procedure and Section 62A Applications) (England) (Amendment) Order 21 (the 2021 Order) 

Landscaping details

Submit landscaping details with all major planning applications.

Send landscaping details including:

  • site plans showing all retained and proposed trees (on and near the site)
  • tree trenches and pits
  • the location and extent of any sustainable urban drainage systems, particularly attenuation tanks
  • a planting schedule of species, sizes and numbers, and typical planting cross-sections

Make sure you:

  • submit an irrigation and young tree maintenance schedule where trees are proposed
  • use the recommended tree maintenance schedule:
  • maintain trees with a stem girth of 8 to 16cm every 3 years
  • maintain trees with a stem girth above 16cm every 5 years 

Get our trees and plants species palette to help inform your planting schedule.

Where trees are proposed in engineered pits, confirm the sustainable soil volumes. These should be in connected trenches where possible. 

Policy which requires this 

Southwark Plan 2022 policies P59, P60, P61.

Industrial specification requirements

Submit industrial specification requirements for all applications proposing industrial floorspace, including:

  • research and development
  • light industrial
  • general industrial
  • storage and distribution

Make sure you include:

  • net changes to industrial floorspace of the scheme (sq m gross internal area and type or use class)
  • the number and size of industrial units proposed, including ceiling heights, location of any columns, location, weight capacity and dimensions of any service lifts
  • an industrial layout plan showing access and highways arrangements, vehicle servicing points, parking and turning space for large vehicles
  • an industrial fit-out specification for mechanical and electrical fit-outs, heating and cooling provision, kitchen and WC facilities, sprinklers
  • a marketing strategy to show how the industrial floorspace will be suitable for industrial occupiers and sectors to meet current demand  

Read the Draft Old Kent Road Area Action Plan Policy AAP5 and relevant OKR Sub areas and Site Allocations.

Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policy P29.

Jobs and training specification

If your application adds over 1,000 sq m of new floor space, you must submit a jobs and training specification.

You should list the number and type of jobs and training from the new development. This will happen during construction. Also, list the land uses for the completed development. 

Applications for 2,500 sq m or more of non-residential floorspace must provide training. They must also provide jobs for local people.

Applications for 1,000 sqm or more of gross new floorspace must allow local businesses to bid for the procurement of goods and services generated by the development.

Read our Section 106 and CIL guidance.

Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policy P28.

Micro-climate assessment

Submit a micro-climate assessment if we have told you that your construction will affect the micro-climate around them. Also submit it if your application involves:

  • tall buildings (over 30m except where they are 25m in the Thames Special Policy Area)
  • taller buildings (significantly higher than surrounding buildings or their emerging context but are not significantly taller to qualify as tall buildings)

Policy which requires this 

Southwark Plan 2022 policy P17.

Movement plan drawing

Submit a plan with all vehicle, pedestrian and cyclist movements clearly marked. This should include how vehicles, walkers and cyclists will access and move through the site. 

For developments with multiple buildings, you should submit extra movement plans. Submit one for each block. The plans for each block must say how people will access its buildings. This includes pedestrians, cyclists, and (if needed) vehicles.

You can include your movement plan drawings in a transport assessment or statement.

Policy which requires this 

Southwark Plan 2022 policy P53.

Noise impact assessment (plant equipment)

Submit a noise impact assessment. Do this if you're providing plant equipment for your development.

Make sure you:

  • show the plant in the proposed drawings
  • detail how the plant will meet our design policies in terms of appearance
  • say how the plant will follow our policies on noise including limits on noise and how close the plant can be to homes
  • show how the plant will comply with our policy to improve carbon reduction targets
  • show projected calculations of energy used and source of generation

Read technical guidance on amenity.

Policy which requires this 

Southwark Plan 2022 policy P56, P66.

Old Kent Road schedule of development form

Submit a schedule of development form with if your development is within the Old Kent Road Opportunity Area.

Read about development in the Old Kent Road.

Policy which requires this

Old Kent Road Area Action Plan.

Planning statement

Submit a planning statement with all major applications.

You can also submit a planning statement with the householder and minor applications to provide further details.

Make sure you provide details of:

  • the site location
  • the planning history of the site
  • the proposed development
  • an assessment of the development against all relevant national and local planning policy
  • any other material considerations
  • consultations with the local planning authority, wider community, and statutory consultees undertaken before submission, if relevant
Policy which requires this 

Southwark Plan 2022 policies P13, P14, P56.

Retail statement

Submit a retail statement if your application might displace small shops.

Provide an evidence-based audit of existing small shops on the site and details of any affordable retail space you propose to offer. 10% of the space must be planned for small retail shops with a floorspace of at least 2,500 sq m.

Make sure you include:

  • a summary of any loss or gain of retail floorspace, separated by use class
  • measurements of small shops and affordable retail spaces in both floorspace sq m and units
  • floor plans and a schedule of sizes and location of small shops

Any retail development outside town centres must follow the Southwark Plan 2022. It must also pass the government's sequential test.

Policy which requires this 

Southwark Plan 2022 policies P32, P35.

Staffing and management plan

Submit a staffing and management plan if your application is for supported housing or a hostel.

You must explain how you plan to protect the amenity of those living in the area.

Make sure you include:

  • the day-to-day operations of the site including on-site management and security
  • health and safety standards and procedures
  • facilities and services on-site for use by the residents like laundry services or bin collections
  • managing maintenance and repairs
  • accessibility and accommodating residents with a disability
  • how you will maintain all areas inside and outside the development
  • how your will maintain the amenity of the surrounding area
  • cycle and car parking 
Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policy P10.

Student management plan

Submit a student management plan if your application is to build student accommodation.

You must explain the day-to-day operations of the student accommodation.

Make sure you include details on:

  • the day-to-day operations of the site including on-site management and security
  • health and safety standards and procedures
  • facilities and services on-site for use by the residents like laundry services or bin collections
  • managing maintenance and repairs
  • accessibility and accommodating students with a disability
  • how you will maintain all areas inside and outside the development
  • how your will maintain the amenity of the surrounding area
  • cycle and car parking
  • how vehicles will move in and out of the site including student drop-offs, moving in and out arrangements and the scheduled arrival of delivery vehicles
  • plans to use the accommodation for short-term rentals during months when the accommodation is not in use by students 
Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policy P5.

Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) proforma

To show your proposal will not increase surface flood risk, submit a completed SuDS form.

It sets out how you plan to build a suitable drainage system.

Major applications and those sites affected by medium or high surface water risk must complete the form. You can check if your site requires the form by using the long term flood risk service.

When you complete the form make sure you include details of proposed SuDS measures like:

  • rainwater recycling and drainage
  • infiltration devices
  • filter strips
  • filter drains
  • porous pavements
  • basins and ponds to hold excess water

Read our guidance on surface water management.

Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policy P68.

Urban greening factor

Submit UGF calculations as a separate stand-alone document. This should include:

  • a scaled UGF landscape masterplan that is in addition to a landscape masterplan
  • colour-codings according to UGF surface cover types that support the UGF calculation
  • a completed UGF table, based on calculations from the GLA's UGF calculator

Your site should achieve at least the minimum score set out in the London Plan policy:

  • 0.4 for mainly residential development
  • 0.3 for mainly commercial development

In your document, make sure you:

  • include the appropriate UGF score for your development
  • include any assumptions underpinning a UGF calculation like the year of creation used to calculate the proposed tree canopy or the assumption made about a combined score for mixed planting
  • match the specifications provided for a green roof

Read the GLA's urban greening factor guidance.

Policy which requires this

London Plan 2021 Policy G5.

Trip generation report

Complete a trip generation exercise and submit it as a report. You can include this report within a transport statement or transport assessment.

You should do a trip generation study using comparable site characteristics on TRICS.

The exercise must focus on specific uses, like Class E[g] not Class E. It should count peak-time trips. If specific uses cannot be known when the exercise starts, use the 'worst-case scenario' use. Read more about use classes

Delivery and servicing trips should also be included within any analysis.

You should summarise the net trip increase or decrease from your development.

We will use this information to check if the current transport network can handle the extra trips from your proposed development.

Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policies P45, P49, P50.

Townscape visual impact assessment

Submit a townscape visual impact assessment if your proposed application affects:

You must also submit an assessment if your application is for a tall building (usually over 30 metres).

You must assess the visual impact your development may have, particularly if it affects the established townscape and its protected views.

Qualified individuals must do the assessment. They must be members of the relevant professional body.

The assessment must be completed in accordance with:

Department for Transport’s Impacts on Townscape, TAG Unit A3 Environmental Impact Appraisal

Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policies P13, P14, P22.

Town centre impact assessment

Submit a town centre impact assessment with all applications for buildings over 1,000 sq m. It must provide main town centre uses outside of town and local centres.

You can check this using Southwark Maps and turning on the 'Town centres and shopping frontages' map layer.

Your assessment must show that your development will comply with the sequential test.

It must also show that your project will not hurt the success of existing town centres. It must also show that it will not hurt any planned investment in them.

Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policy P35, P36.

3D model

You must provide a 3D model of the proposed development with your major planning application. 

We use VU.CITY as our interactive digital city platform to assess the impact of the proposed development. 

Read our file requirements. You must complete the 3D model submission form and submit this with your application. We do not need full structural or internal information.

Make sure that:

  • if your modelling package does not geo-locate in GBOS (or you have any issues), zero the coordinates of the model instead
  • submitted models are FBX file format (2011-2016) or OBJ file format
  • files are less than 128 mb in size, and all objects should be grouped onto one layer
  • files are Geo-located in GBOS space and conform to the British National Grid

If you amend the proposed development, we may ask you to provide updated models.

Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policies P13, P14, P15, P17.


Viability appraisal

Submit a viability appraisal if:

  • planning policy requires you to include affordable housing
  • you must make a payment in-lieu of affordable housing
  • viability means you must ignore other planning policy requirements

You must provide a detailed viability appraisal that includes:

  • an executive summary that clearly outlines the key conclusions from the appraisal
  • a testable, editable electronic or software model that shows the calculations and assumptions used in the planning application

You must pay for the review of the financial viability appraisal or provide a solicitor’s undertaking to pay.

Read our development viability guidance.

Policy which requires this

Southwark Plan 2022 policies SP1, P1, P9, IP3.

Whole lifecycle carbon assessment

All major referable applications must include a whole life-cycle carbon assessment. Read the GLA's whole life-cycle carbon assessment guidance including the statement template.

You'll need to update the assessment throughout the planning process. 

Policy which requires this

London Plan 2021 Policy SI 2.