Supplementary planning documents (SPDs)
Our supplementary planning documents (SPDs) provide extra guidance about the policies in ourĀ development plan.
Section 106 and CIL SPD
Draft Section 106 and CIL SPD for consultation
We are consulting on a draft Section 106 and CIL SPD. This is proposed to replace the 2015 adopted SPD and 2017 addendum. The consultation was agreed at Cabinet on 6 March 2024.
The consultation will close on 27 November 2024.
View the supporting documents for the SPD:
Current Section 106 and CIL SPD
The current Section 106 and CIL SPD sets out our approach to both Section 106 legal agreements and the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). These secure investments in Southwark will offset any impact that a development will have.
Find out more about our approach to Section 106 and CIL.
View the supporting documents for the SPD below:
- adoption statement
- consultation report
- habitats regulations assessment
- screening report and statement of reasons
- updated equalities analysis
View the supporting documents for the addendum to the SPD below:
- Section 106 and CIL SPD Addendum - adoption statement
- Section 106 and CIL SPD Addendum - revised equalities analysis
- Section 106 and CIL SPD Addendum - consultation report
- Section 106 and CIL SPD Addendum - habitats regulations assessment
- Section 106 and CIL SPD Addendum - screening assessment and statement of reason
View the supporting documents for the November 2020 Addendum to the SPD below:
- IDM report for Section 106 and CIL SPD Addendum
- updated S106 and CIL SPD
- no consultation responses were received for this addendum so there is no consultation report; consultation with internal consultees is set out in the IDM report for this addendum
- a revised equalities analysis is not needed; the assessment is made in the IDM report