Supplementary planning documents (SPDs)
Our supplementary planning documents (SPDs) provide extra guidance about the policies in our development plan.
Residential design standards SPD and draft Householder development SPD
Consultation on the Householder development SPD
We are currently consulting on a draft Householder development SDP.
This SPD will set the design standards expected from developing existing homes in Southwark. This SPD will replace the current Residential Design Standards SPD.
The consultation was agreed at Cabinet on 22 July 2024.
The consultation will close on 27 November 2024.
View the supporting documents for the SPD:
Current Residential design standards SPD
Our current Residential design standards SPD contains detailed guidance on our residential design policies for:
- new-build homes
- conversions
- affordable homes
- extensions and more
View the supporting documents for the SPD below: