Supplementary planning documents (SPDs)
Our supplementary planning documents (SPDs) provide extra guidance about the policies in our development plan.
Affordable housing SPD
Draft Affordable housing SPD for consultation
We are consulting on a draft Affordable housing SPD. This is proposed to replace the 2008 adopted SPD and the 2011 draft SPD. The consultation was agreed at Cabinet on 22 July 2024.
The consultation will close on 27 November 2024.
View the supporting documents for the SPD:
Current Affordable housing SDP
Our Affordable housing SPD sets out our approach to securing affordable housing as part of residential development.
Households with incomes of between £60,000 and £90,000 have needs that can be met through shared ownership homes (provided the market value does not exceed £600,000).
We only consider shared ownership housing for households with incomes near local thresholds:
- 1, 2, 3 and 4-bedroom units to be affordable to households with total incomes of £52,825, £62,416, £72,454 and £82,170 respectively
- no more than 40% of their net income is spent on mortgage, rent and service charges
- net income is 70% of gross income
View the supporting documents for the SPD below: