If you live in Southwark, you can order the contraceptive pill online without needing to speak to a GP. You can register with Sexual Health London to get the pill delivered to your home or for collection from a pharmacy.
If you’re under 25 and live or work in Southwark you can register for a C-Card that lets you pick up free condoms at a local pharmacy.
For free contraceptive injection, coil or implant, you can walk in to a local sexual and reproductive health clinic to have a long-active reversible contraceptive (LARC) fitted. A LARC is:
- an injection
- a coil
- an implant
Book a free contraceptive injection, coil or implant (LARC) appointment if you’re a patient at the following GPs:
LARC is also provided in extended care hubs in Southwark. Ask your GP for a referral.