Southwark Substance Misuse Rehab Team

The Southwark Substance Misuse Rehab Team can help if you are experiencing difficulties with substances such as alcohol or drugs (prescription and illegal) and you would like support with rehabilitation.

We aim to help you to stop misusing substances and achieve and maintain abstinence. This often involves a detoxification and a rehabilitation programme.

Who we can support

We can offer support if you are:

  • a Southwark resident
  • aged 18 and above
  • eligible for support under the Care Act
  • working towards abstinence from substances
  • working with drug and alcohol services in the community (this helps us to know that you are motivated to change and are prepared for the reality of abstinence and the dedication this involves)

Support programme

If you are eligible for support, we will put a package of care and support in place to meet your specific needs. For example we can:

  • arrange a 12 week residential rehab for you; alternatively, if you have a stable home environment we could look at a non-residential rehab programme
  • arrange specialist counselling for you; we can also refer you to support groups and mutual aid
  • provide your family and carers with information, advice and support

We will meet you every 3 months to look at your needs and to see how you are managing. You may develop new needs or the support in your care and support plan to meet your needs may not be helping. If this happens we will look at what other care and support could help you.

As you recover, we will work with you to involve you in the community again. Once you've recovered and are rehabilitated we can support you to access useful services, including:

  • supported housing
  • employment, education and training information, advice and support
  • peer mentoring
  • psychotherapy
  • mutual aid (voluntary support groups)

Our aim is to help you to become as independent as possible. We hope this will help you maintain your abstinence based recovery in the future. If you do not maintain the abstinence based recovery, we will help you to access alternative care and support that may suit your needs better.

For further information, you can contact Change Grow Live (CGL). Change Grow Live is a free and confidential drug and alcohol service. You can contact CGL on the following details:

Change Grow Live
146 Camberwell Road

T: 020 8629 2348

Page last updated: 26 July 2022


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