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Be part of a solution conversation

Significant numbers of the workforce have expressed the importance of having conversations around race in a safe space with colleagues with similar lived experiences. We have therefore put in place specific sessions for Black employees from African and Caribbean heritage as well as mixed sessions to also hear from employees from all ethnicities. There will also be specific sessions for White and Asian employees (dates to follow).

All of these meetings form part of a comprehensive approach to tackling and challenging inequality in the council, to encourage a culture of honest solution-focused conversations. This will enable the council to take this important agenda forward in a meaningful way that reflects the views of our workforce.

The six sessions we have run so far have proved extremely popular among our Black, Asian and minority ethnic employees and they have shared some really enlightening views on ‘what needs to happen’ going forward. Please note that these session are also open to agency workers who work in the council.

It is important to book early, as we expect a lot of interest

Sessions for Black staff only

  • 15 March 2021 at 10am
  • 22 March 2021 at 2pm
  • 30 March 2021 at 1pm 

Mixed sessions (open to all-staff)

  • 16 March 2021 at 2pm

Complete the registration form to book your place

The sessions will be facilitated by David Weaver, an independent consultant from DWC Consulting and will take place in a confidential and safe space. Registration is handled by DWC Consulting.

The Pledge reaffirms the council’s commitment to:

  • promote an open and transparent culture where employees who experience /see racism or discrimination feel able to raise it and expect the issues to be dealt with swiftly and fairly
  • listen to and, amplify our diverse voices within our organisations on how we create an inclusive, fair and representative workforce at all levels
  • work to address and prevent structural inequalities and structural racism within our organisation; the organisations we partner with and within the service we deliver
  • champion organisations that address racial injustice and organisations that promote equality and diversity
  • ensure that people of all backgrounds can rise to the top of the organisation

If you are unable to attend any of these virtual sessions, or would rather input anonymously, please complete this anonymous form. We will not know it’s you unless you give us your name or email.

We look forward to hearing your valuable views.

Page last updated: 16 March 2021


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