Fees for each course are shown on our course information pages for Wellbeing and life skills courses and Arts and creative courses.
Course, exam and materials fees are due on enrolment.
The standard fee for learners is £5 per hour. Concessionary fees for learners on a means-tested benefit are £2.50 per hour.
All students (except those in basic skills and family learning classes) pay an annual non-refundable registration fee of £5.
Fees are normally payable in full before the course starts. If your course is 20 weeks or longer you can pay in instalments.
Payment options
You’ll need to complete a payment options form to qualify for instalment payments.
Exam fees and materials fees must be paid on enrolment.
You can only pay by debit or credit card.
No cost to the learner (full fee remission)
For 2023/24, the following groups of learners are eligible for full fee remission.
This means these learners will be fully subsidised by the ESFA/GLA and will not have to pay any fees for some courses:
- those studying basic skills literacy and numeracy courses, and family learning programmes
- those in receipt of active or unemployment benefits will not have to pay any fees to study ESOL, vocational qualification courses, full level 2 qualification courses, or other level 3 courses
- learners who are not on active or unemployment benefits, who are aged 19 to 23 and are studying vocational qualification courses or their first full level 2 qualification course (excluding ESOL) will not have to pay any fees for those courses
Learners in employment, on an accredited course, and who are earning less than £25,300.60 annual gross salary/London Living Wage currently set at £13.15 per hour may be eligible to have their tuition fees, exam and registration costs waived for their part-time course; this is referred to as full-fee remission.
This is subject to GLA terms and conditions regarding funding. You will need to provide evidence, including three monthly payslips. This is not available for Community Learning courses. Please ask at the time of enrolment.