Hazardous, clinical and electrical waste
Find out how to safely and legally get rid of waste that can be harmful. Book a hazardous waste collection.
Asbestos and chemicals
The City of London runs a household hazardous waste collection and disposal service for residents on behalf of Southwark Council.
It will collect a small amount of asbestos cement or chemicals from your home.
They must be packaged ready for collection.
You’re allowed 1 free asbestos collection a year from your home address. This can be up to 15 square metres of individually wrapped pieces. This is the equivalent to 7 builders' rubble bags full of asbestos.
You're also entitled to 3 chemical waste collections a year.
Book a hazardous waste collection
You can also hire a private contractor to remove asbestos.
Find one from the Asbestos Removal Contractors Association (ARCA).