
Bin service for flats and estates

Information for property managers, freeholders and housing developers about communal waste management and our collection service.

Set up a communal bin service

To find out how many bins the council would service for your development:

The number of bins you get is automatically calculated and is based on the size and amount of homes in the development.

Once this has been agreed you can either buy or hire your bins:

  • you can only buy approved bins and you would be responsible for any repairs, replacements or changes
  • if you hire bins from us all repairs, replacements and bin type changes are included in your annual contract price

You must do one thing or the other. You cannot have a mix of hiring and buying the different types of bin.

If you hire from us we’ll invoice you annually.

Garden waste

If you are not going to arrange to remove garden waste yourself, you must subscribe to our garden waste collection service. 

We can invoice you if you take out 4 or more subscriptions 4. For less than this you'll need to pay via the online form