
Leader of the Council and cabinet members

Information about the Leader of the Council and cabinet members and their portfolios.

Councillor John Batteson

Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency, Jobs & Business

Cllr Batteson’s responsibilities include:

  • greening our local economy – engaging local people, businesses and organisations in action to reduce carbon emissions; delivering more green jobs, promoting climate justice; and reducing the council’s own emissions
  • adaptation to climate change – ensuring plans and action are in place to make Southwark resilient to changes in the climate including heatwaves and extreme weather events
  • increasing employment – support to find a job or start a new carer; careers advice and work experience; paid internships; supporting young people and care leavers’ into employment, education and training; relationship with Jobcentre Plus; supporting businesses to engage with schools and colleges (including the Education Business Alliance)
  • vocational skills – including apprenticeships, vocational training and skills centres
  • business support – for local businesses, cooperatives, social enterprises and entrepreneurs; increasing procurement from local businesses; and relationships with local business groups and Business Improvement Districts
  • high streets – including town centre action plans, Thriving Highstreets Fund, markets
  • commercial property – management, leasing and rent setting of the council’s retail and commercial units, office accommodation and related property
  • industrial strategy – growing industries that generate good jobs and wider value for our community, including green industries, life sciences and creative and cultural industries
  • living wage – promoting the London Living Wage employers
  • workers’ rights – promoting good employment practices and equality and diversity at work and trade union membership