Leader of the Council and cabinet members
Information about the Leader of the Council and cabinet members and their portfolios.
Councillor Natasha Ennin
Cabinet Member for Community Safety & Neighbourhoods
Cllr Ennin's responsibilities include:
- reducing crime and antisocial behaviour – including community wardens, anti-social behaviour team, noise service, CCTV, public spaces protection orders, preventing hate crime, tackling modern day slavery
- violence reduction – working to end misogyny and violence against women and girls, youth violence and the criminal exploitation of young people
- domestic abuse – support for people who have experienced domestic abuse, Women’s Safety Centre and safe spaces
- improving policing – promoting equitable policing and strengthening community relations with the police
- licensing – of premises serving alcohol or late night refreshments and gambling
- environmental health – including trading standards, food safety and environmental protection
- private rented housing – increasing protections for private renters licencing and advice services for private sector renters
- neighbourhoods – working with residents in each neighbourhood to develop strategic plans to improve each neighbourhood, current ward forum arrangements and empowering communities programme, including the Neighbourhoods Fund and Cleaner Greener Safe Fund