
Who this support is for

Find out what a carer is and how we support them. How to request a carer's assessment. Know your rights.

Carers' rights

You’re an unpaid carer if you look after, help or support someone who would not be able to manage everyday life without your help.

As an unpaid carer you should never be put in a position where your life, dignity or sense of self-respect are put at risk because of your role.

There are rights in place to make sure that this does not happen.

As an unpaid carer your rights include:

  • ensuring you’re consulted on services for you and the person you are caring for
  • access to support from Southwark Carers if eligible
  • ​being protected against direct discrimination or harassment because of your caring responsibilities
  • the right to a carer’s assessment if eligible
  • a needs assessment for the person cared for

You also have certain health rights. Make sure you’re registered as a carer with your GP so you can get any support or flexibility (like special leave) you may need.

Any carer under 18 has the right to be assessed for support as well.

Carers’ rights in the workplace

If you're looking after an elderly person or someone who has an impairment, health condition, or is disabled you’re protected against discrimination by law. 

You also have rights such as paid or unpaid time off to care for people who depend on you.

Direct discrimination by association happens when you’re treated less favourably than someone else because you’re caring for an elderly, sick or disabled person. This could include an employer refusing to:

  • offer you a job because of your caring responsibilities
  • give you the same opportunities as other colleagues because of your caring responsibilities

If you think you’re being discriminated against at work because you’re a carer, contact the Carers UK advice service or the ACAS helpline. They give free and confidential employment advice.

Support from your employer

It's a good idea to check how your employer supports carers. Check your contract, staff handbook, or your employer's intranet.

You can also speak to your manager, your organisation’s human resources department, or your trade union.

You do not have to tell your employer about your caring responsibilities. But you might find that if you tell your manager about your situation, they can help you manage your two roles.

For example, you will be entitled to unpaid time off if there’s an emergency relating to your caring. 

Your employer might also give you time off (paid or unpaid) to cover intensive periods of care. Or they may allow you to work more flexibly when you need to.

Asking for flexible working

The right to request flexible working has now been extended to cover all employees with 26 weeks service or more.

Find out more

You can get more information from: