Southwark fostering service statement of purpose 2024 to 25
How the fostering service works. How we recruit, approve, train, support and work with foster carers.
Aims of the service
Our purpose is
“to provide high quality care for children in safe, secure and nurturing families, by means of recruiting and developing highly skilled foster carers supported by reflective, challenging and enabling social workers – in order to give children and young people the best possible childhood to help them become valued members of society, maximising their life-long opportunities.”
The fostering service works in partnership with colleagues within Southwark Council and other multi-agency partners, to help meet the council’s responsibilities as a corporate parent. These relationships are based on respect and a shared commitment to promoting the best possible outcomes for all looked after children and young people.
We recognise that in order to recover from early adversity, looked after children need to form trusting relationships with caregivers who are sensitive and attuned to their needs.
The fostering service has chosen to adopt the Secure Base Model of therapeutic care in recognition of the importance of positive attachment experiences for children. We aim to provide a secure base by matching children with carers who can meet their physical, emotional, spiritual and learning needs, promote a positive sense of identity and give young people ambition and hope for the future.
Southwark’s fostering service aims to meet the requirements of the:
- Fostering Services national minimum standards 2011
- Fostering Services Regulations 2011
- National Care Standards Act 2000
- Care Planning, Placement and Case Review Regulations 2010
- Care Planning, Placement and Case Review and Fostering Services (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2013, which amend the Fostering Services (England) Regulations 2011 with respect to the assessment and approval of foster carers for looked after children
- Children and Families Act 2014 and the Training, Support and Development Induction Standards for Foster Care
The aims of the service can be summarised as the following:
To provide a sufficient number of high quality foster placements that will meet the diverse needs of Southwark’s looked after children and young people.
To provide support to Southwark’s foster carers by employing suitably experienced, skilled and qualified social work staff, business support staff and managers, and by commissioning appropriate support services.