
Culture Together grants fund

A fund for projects to make our culture sector more inclusive and sustainable.

What happens next

We'll let you know if your application was successful by 31 March 2025.

If your application is successful

You will need to agree to the Council’s grant funding standard terms and conditions.

You will meet your Grant Monitoring Officer to finalise specific conditions, and any monitoring requirements.

We will set you up on the Council’s finance system to receive your funding. A payment schedule will be agreed, and the grant will be paid in multiple instalments depending on the amount and your project.

Receiving your grant

Small grants are typically paid in 2 instalments, 80% upfront and 20% on completion.

Big grants often have extra milestones or conditions linked to payments. Payment is usually in instalments of 70%, 20% and 10%.

If your application is not successful

We will provide feedback and inform you of future funding opportunities.

If you need to change your project after receiving funding

Contact your Grant Monitoring Officer about your revised plans as soon as is possible and definitely before implementing them. 

Minor changes like dates and timescales, will likely be accommodated, but the activity will still need to be completed before the end of March 2026.

Changes that significantly alter what your activity is, or who it will benefit can only be made with prior written agreement from us. 

Start by giving your Grant Monitoring Officer as much information as you can about your revised plans, and they will work through the options with you.