
Become a charity trustee

How to become a trustee of a local charity.

Southwark Council appoints trustees to a number of local charities that administer funds for schemes such as:

  • the maintenance of almshouses
  • monthly payments of pensions 
  • holidays for elderly residents.

To be a trustee, you need commitment and common sense. Trustees are expected to attend meetings which take place, on average, four times a year.  The reward of being a trustee is that you can make a real contribution to your community. 

The charity trustee application information pack provides details on applying to become a trustee, along with information about each charity. 

Contact us to find out about current vacancies for charity trustees. The appointments to the vacant positions are made by the council's voluntary bodies appointments panel. If you wish to be considered for one of the vacant positions.

Complete the application form and return by post.

You’ll also need to arrange for the reference form to be completed and returned at the same date.

The charity trustee application information pack, including application and reference forms, can be sent to you by post upon request.

For more information, you can contact the constitutional team by: