Building insurance
We’re usually responsible for arranging your building's insurance for leaseholders. Find out what's covered and how to make a claim.
Policy details
Insurer: Protector Insurance
Policy number: 3144381
Start date: 1 April 2024
End date: 1 April 2025
To request a policy booklet call the insurance officer on 020 7525 7660.
Request a copy of the buildings insurance certificate.
Policy excess
Excess due for each claim: CHK to be paid by who? the council or the resident?
- £1000 every loss relating to subsidence
- £500 every loss relating to escape of water
- £350 every loss relating to all other perils
If your claim relates to damage caused by the council or its contractor and you've paid the policy excess, get in touch.
We'll only consider compensation if we are legally at fault.