
Report disrepair or other housing issue

What to do if a private landlord or managing agent is not meeting their obligations.

Report it to us

Contact us if your landlord or agent does not respond, or take steps to arrange a repair that's their responsibility:

  • within 1 week for non-urgent repairs
  • within 24 hours if the problem is urgent

Urgent would include serious issues that would pose a risk, including:

  • a leak near electrics
  • an external door that can’t be locked
  • no cooking facilities
  • no heating in winter months
  • asbestos
  • a flood
  • an issue that particularly affects a vulnerable resident, like a baby, an elderly tenant or someone with a with a disability or medical condition

We'll respond within 2 working days (or the next working day for urgent problems).

We'll check:

  • that you've reported it to your landlord first
  • we'll check that it's a genuine emergency for urgent problems

Report disrepair