
Cycling improvement projects

We're working on schemes to make cycling safer in Rye Lane, Peckham and in Bermondsey. Give us your views.


Tanner Street to Willow Walk

In 2020 we made some changes on a trial basis to the road layout of Druid Street and Gedling Place.

These changes were the first step towards creating a cycle route connecting Cycleway 10 on Willow Walk with Cycleway 14 on Tanner Street.

Scheme objectives

Streets for People is our ambitious plan to improve the air we breathe in Southwark. As part of this we are creating a network of safe and accessible streets and routes for all types of cycles.

This scheme will:

  • connect C10 to C14 with an improved, safer cycle route
  • increase the number of people living within 400m of a cycle route, in line with the Mayor of London’s Transport strategy
  • Improve road safety in accordance with Vision Zero objectives to reduce on street collisions
  • provide new, wider, decluttered footways to improve the walking experience

See full details on the decision to implement the temporary scheme 

Consultation and engagement


Process Dates Status
Consultation  September to October 2021 Completed
Detailed design October 2021 to March 2022 Completed
Construction  May 2022 Completed
Monitoring  From May 2022 Ongoing
Consultation for trial scheme 24 October to 20 November 2022 Completed
Consultation for continuation of Cycle Route  September 2024  
Detailed Design January 2025 to March 2025  
Implementation  To be confirmed  


Consultation was carried out between 17 September and 15 October 2021. Our online survey asked for feedback on the temporary proposals to install: 

  • a bi-directional segregated cycle track on Druid Street
  • a modal filter on Gedling Place to prevent access for motor vehicle traffic

We then implemented these changes on a trial basis.


In October and December 2022 we ran a further consultation about making the Druid Street and Gedling Place cycle route Experimental Traffic Orders permanent. 


Following the consultation, a decision was made in February 2023 to proceed with detailed design. This improved the temporary scheme by addressing issues raised in the consultation feedback and the Stage 3 Road Safety Audit. 


From our engagement with businesses and residents it became clear that changes required on Druid Street would need further consultation, so we included this as part of our consultation for the entire route from Tanner Street to Willow Walk.

Council officers have been engaging with local residents, businesses and other stakeholders, to work up proposals for the whole route from Tanner Street to Willow Walk.

In September 2024 we consulted on a permanent scheme for the whole route as shown in the map. This proposed scheme takes into account previous consultation with residents and businesses as well as monitoring data for the temporary scheme.

Find out more about this consultation