
The Thames Tideway Tunnel project

Why London needs a new sewer, what's happening at Chambers Wharf and how the Community Enhancement Fund works

George Row playground

The Thames Tideway supersewer project provides over £5 million to be spent on local infrastructure projects. 

£700,000 of this budget has been allocated to local play improvements. £400,000 is committed to the refurbishment of George Row playground.

In autumn 2018, we commissioned two reports, one on play spaces and one on wider Dickens Estate landscape improvements. The George Row ball court was identified as having potential for improvement and was made a priority.

The aims of the project

We want George Row playground to be:

  • a high quality landscape and play scheme 
  • of benefit to everyone in the estate and the surrounding area
  • a welcoming space where residents and children come to meet each other 
  • convenient for all users

We believe these changes will help to:

  • improve wellbeing and tackling obesity in the local community
  • reduce anti-social behaviour and crime by opening up the space and making it more visible

Project development and consultation

In 2019 we created a sketch scheme for the site. We wrote to 2,092 local addresses and contacts and held two in-person consultation events.  

Residents were invited to put forward their views online, by phone or by post on these two options:

  1. To bring the existing ball court up to a modern standard 
  2. To change the use of the ball court to a playground 

Option 2 was chosen. A further round of consultation took place in 2021 after a pause due to the pandemic. Residents made their choice between a tree house theme or ship theme for the play space. 

Construction work

We appointed Ground Control Ltd to complete the work. The construction work involved:

  • demolition of the existing ball court, surrounding fencing and walls 
  • creation of a new play area with paths, railings and street furniture 
  • improved landscaping and planting

Get in touch 

For more information about this or other Tideway projects you can: