Managing air quality
How we manage air quality in Southwark. Our air quality strategy and action plan.
Our air quality improvement strategy and action plan aims to:
- reduce emissions from motorised vehicles
- reduce emissions from existing fixed sources
- reduce emissions from new developments
- protect public health by monitoring air quality
So far, we have:
- made Southwark an Air Quality Management Area to meet national standards
- banned engine idling
- helped schools to combat air pollution through the London air quality audit
- installed extra electric car charge points
- brought schools together to talk about air quality
- added more electric vehicles to our fleet
- introduced a 20mph speed limit on every road that Southwark Council controls
- supported a low emission walking route around Bankside and London Bridge
- introduced a low emission business neighbourhood on Borough High Street
- introduced a low emission neighbourhood in Walworth
- launched the School Streets campaign closing roads outside schools at pick-up and drop off times
- introduced 'green' council vehicles running on either natural gas or electricity
- delivered the Cleaner air 4 schools toolkit helping schools with green travel plans
- tested the use of dust suppressants on construction sites and Nitrogen Dioxide reducing reactive surface coatings on new developments
- supported the Cross River Partnership’s Clean air better business programme to reduce emissions and toxic air pollution
You can also read about:
- our local plan
- our biodiversity action plan
- our streets for people project
- our open space strategy
- how we manage trees
- public register of notices requiring information about air pollution
More air quality strategy documents
You can download:
- Air quality status report Southwark 2023
- Air quality status report Southwark 2022
- Air quality status report Southwark 2021
- Air quality status report 2020
- Air quality annual summary status report 2019
- Air quality annual status report 2019
- Air quality annual status report 2018
- Air quality annual summary status report 2017
- Air quality annual status report 2017
- Air quality annual status summary report 2016
- Air quality annual status report 2016
- 2015 updating and screening assessment
- Air quality annual status report 2015
- 2014 progress report