Southwark Plan 2022
The Southwark Plan 2022 (PDF, 22MB) is our local plan for development. It includes:
- the regeneration strategy for Southwark
- policies to guide our decisions on planning applications
- key development sites with land use and urban design requirements
- visions for each of Southwark’s neighbourhoods
The plan was adopted on 23 February 2022 and covers the period 2019 to 2036.
If you live or work in Southwark and want to work on your property, read the Southwark Plan. It tells you:
- how we assess planning applications
- the types of development we allow, and those we do not
- the changes and development we have planned for your area
Several supporting documents form part of the plan's evidence base. They also make sure it meets relevant equalities and sustainability requirements. They include:
- Integrated impact assessment (PDF, 12.8MB): assesses the sustainability, equality, health, transport, social and economic impacts of the local plan and includes the public sector equality duty
- Equalities impact assessment (EQIA) (PDF, 2.2MB): to make sure our policies promote equality of opportunity and do not discriminate (read EQIA appendices (PDF, 929KB) and assessment summary (PDF, 356KB)
- Habitats regulation assessment (PDF,791KB): to examine the impact a planning policy has on the conservation management of a habitat site
- Inspector's report: set's out the inspector's final report following the examination in public
The Southwark Plan replaces some older development plans. You can still view these historic plans and guidance documents.
View the planning policies interactive map, read the Council Assembly report and the plan's adoption statement (PDF, 81KB). Also use the Southwark Plan glossary (PDF, 178KB) to help you understand our local plan.