
Open spaces


We are protecting all open spaces in Southwark. This includes new spaces and extensions to those in the Southwark Plan 2022.

Designations include:

   1. Metropolitan Open Land (MOL), which is similar to the green belt and protects areas of strategic, scientific value

   2. Borough Open Land (BOL), which is important open space that:

  • is a clearly distinguishable open space
  • contains features or landscapes of historic or recreational value
  • is not MOL

   3. Other Open Space (OOS), which is neither MOL or BOL but is:

  • an allotment or a public open space, such as a public park or garden
  • or a playing field or sports ground whether publicly or privately owned 
  • or a private open space that benefits the local community
  • or an open space created and secured through planning obligations
  • or a site of ecological importance 

Find these open spaces designations on the policies map.

Land that is not protected as open space is amenity land. Amenity standards are set out in the Southwark Plan 2022.  Amenity land is not protected in the same way as open space.

Table 1 sets out the amount of open space designated in the adopted policies and in the Southwark Plan 2022.

MOL (sq m)

BOL (sq m)

OOS (sq m)

Open Water Space (OWS) (sq m)


Adopted Open Spaces





Southwark Plan 2022





New open space is being required in site allocations in the Southwark Plan 2022. Site allocations are larger sites that have specific guidance in the plan. There is a total of 111,125 sq m open spaces being required through site allocations.  

New open space accounts for a total of 49,435 sq m. 

Some older open spaces have been extended making up 50,425 sq m. 

This is set out in full in the NSP site allocations methodology report (PDF, 25MB).

Site allocations (table 3)


New designations (table 4)


Extension of existing designations (table 5)




There will also be the opportunity to negotiate new open space on windfall sites, which are not allocated in the Southwark Plan 2022