
Housing facts and figures

This guide contains headline data tables and information on housing delivery from 2022 to 2024.

Non-self contained housing delivery

Non self-contained/ non-conventional housing describes different units or households sharing certain communal facilities, such as kitchens and bathrooms.

The London Plan 2021 recognises non-conventional completions as one of the components in total net housing supply, as the provision helps to meet the specific users’ accommodation needs and in turn frees up the available amount of self-contained homes.

Therefore, these developments count towards meeting the housing target and are monitored based on the amount of self-contained housing this form of supply will free up. A conversion ratio is specified for different forms of non-self-contained accommodation, including student accommodation (2.5 bedrooms/units: 1 home unit), older people accommodation (C2 use class) (1:1) and others (1.8:1).


Self contained unit equivalent of non self contained accommodation delivered (gross and net)
Financial year (1 April to 31 March) Total (net) Total (gross)
2022-2023 775 808
2023-2024 310 310