Physical activity guidelines for 5 to 18-year-olds
Join the Movement tips and guidance to get active with kids by Sport England
Change4life activities to keep your family moving with 10-minute shake-ups and indoor activities
BBC Super Movers videos to get school children moving while they learn – active learning and videos to boost mood
Youth Sport Trust active learning ideas and PE tips including 60-second challenges
Kids Run Free videos of games and activities for all ages to help you get active
PE and School Sports Network activity challenges and warm-up videos for families
‘This is PE’ videos to make leading PE at home easy for parents and teachers
Go Noodle dancing videos for families and children
Bounce Patrol videos with songs and dance for young children
Joe Wicks 5-minute video workouts for kids to do at home
School Games’ – videos and downloadable resources on how to move more for you and your kids before, during and after school