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Progress updates

August 2021

Learn about the progress we have made on the Southwark Stands Together recommendations for our workforce to help tackle racism, inequality and injustice. We thank you for your continued input and feedback. Working together, we can create the change we want to see. 

If you have missed any of the recent Southwark Stands Together communications, you can catch-up by visiting the SST Source communications page. Employees without access to the Southwark Council network can visit the Southwark Stands Together microsite.

Engagement and re-education

We have gone live with our Positive Action Lunch and Learn sessions, which are open to all employees and will take place in September and October. The Equality and Human Rights definition of Positive Action is “… taking steps to address the disadvantage that some groups, like disabled people, ethnic minorities or women, may face”. We can all play a part in this and there is so much to gain and learn. So far, over 50 employees have signed up to one of the sessions. Get in touch with Sabrina Nelson if you are interested in attending.

The first monthly briefing session for the SST Champions group was held on 25 August and these meetings will be used to engage with the group and seek their input as we continue to make progress. We also have a dedicated Teams Channel for the SST Champions, so they are kept up to date in between the briefing sessions.

Leadership and management

Bespoke Leadership development for Black Asian and Ethnic Minority Employees The procurement process is now underway as we seek a provider to help deliver phase one of the leadership management programme that is specifically for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic employees. This is part of our commitment to positive action.

Reciprocal mentoring

A debrief meeting has taken place to review our pilot Reciprocal Mentoring Programme and a draft paper has now been developed to outline how we will implement and roll out a council-wide version of this mentoring programme.

Leadership and management development framework

We are also making plans to start a pilot for a refreshed leadership and management development framework which seeks to embed our two new equality and diversity values. This has been consistently fed back from employees where they would like to see leaders developed around the space of equality and diversity so that they understand their responsibilities to live and breathe our values. Further details to follow in future updates.

Recruitment practices

We have implemented the following changes:

  • removed the blanket use of tests that potentially disadvantage applicants
  • removed the use of desirable criteria from our person specifications
  • where an internal recruitment exercise fails to attract a diverse shortlist; the recruiting manager is encouraged to go out to market to attract and widen the diversity of applicants
  • reinforcing the importance of recruitment panels being diverse in terms of ethnicity and gender and there are a minimum of three members on the panel

Employee career progression

We have piloted job shadowing opportunities within Planning and Growth. However, there are plans to roll this out across the workforce and so far initial discussions have taken place with the Pensions team and PFS, to encourage employees within these areas to participate.

Organisational Development and the Local Economy Team are leading a working group to design a strategy for Employment Opportunities Pathways. Together, we’ll work with internal and external stakeholders to build quality, consistent offers across pathway placements; from work experience and internships to apprenticeships and graduate training.

Policy and practice

The Workforce Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Statement has been finalised after incorporating the feedback from key stakeholders. The Statement signifies and reinforces our continued commitment to tackling inequality in the council. It will be shared with procurement to embed in our contracts for businesses who work with or provide services on behalf of the council. A briefing paper was submitted to COT which outlines how we intend to implement and socialise this new document. A video version of the statement has also been developed and will be shared with the workforce once published.

Corporate training programmes

We are planning on relaunching the coaching and mentoring programme at the end of September/beginning of October and have contacted the SST champions to seek their feedback and talk through the benefits of the programme.

An Equality, Diversity and Inclusion training offer has been developed for leaders and employees in conjunction with Inclusive Employers. This training will be rolled out in the autumn.

Let us know what you think

We do not pretend to have all the answers and always welcome the input and insight of our employees. If you have not had the chance to engage with our most recent activities, you can still share your feedback about Southwark Stands Together using the anonymous SST form.

Page last updated: 19 November 2021


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