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Progress updates

July 2021

We wanted to share a progress update on some of the Southwark Stands Together recommendations for our workforce that we have begun to implement to help tackle racism, inequality, and injustice. We thank you for your continued input and feedback. Working together, we can create the change we want to see.

If you have missed any of the recent Southwark Stands Together communication, you can catch up by visiting the SST Source communications page (available on The Source).

Our progress

  • Southwark Stands Together Champion network relaunched on 28 July. We have 40 champions across the organisation. Are you interested in being a Southwark Stands Together Champion? We’re particularly interested in hearing from staff in Chief Execs, Children & Adults, Finance & Governance. More details are available on The Source.
  • Positive Action – in June’s Leadership Network, we ran a workshop on Positive Action and we can use it to support Southwark Stands Together pledge that people of all backgrounds can progress within the organisation. This month we’ll be scheduling sessions with services to take place in September. If you want to find out more, contact
  • Reverse Mentoring – Children’s & Adults hosted a Reverse Mentoring pilot scheme in January 2021, where a senior manager was paired with somebody in the early stages of their career to share experiences and their career stories. In the autumn we’re making the initiative more widely available, starting with a briefing event to outline the time commitment over the 3 month mentoring period. If you’d like to be involved email
  • As part of the wider engagement with our employees, members of EMpower and SAGE have joined the SST Strategy Board. Their support with the work that we are doing on SST will add immense value as we continue to make progress.

Let us know what you think

We do not pretend to have all the answers and always welcome the input and insight of our staff. If you have not had the chance to engage with our most recent activities, you can still share your feedback about Southwark Stands Together using the anonymous SST form.

Page last updated: 19 November 2021


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