Althea Loderick
Our online forms are working again
Our online forms, MySouthwark accounts and webpages are now working. If you are still seeing an error message, please clear your cookies and cache.
Data about how council money is spent, our income, how staff are paid, trade unions and the gender pay gap.
Download our latest Pay Policy Statement.
In line with transparency rules, we provide details about senior officer salaries in our statement of accounts (under officer remuneration). This also includes the council's salary scales.
The senior management structure provides information on council departments and our jobs.
For further information email
Althea Loderick
David Quirke-Thornton: Strategic Director, Children and Adult Services
Toni Ainge: Acting Strategic Director, Environment, Sustainability and Leisure
Hakeem Osinaike: Strategic Director, Housing
Clive Palfreyman: Strategic Director, Finance
Stephen Gaskell: Asst. Chief Executive, Strategy and Communities
Doreen Forrester Brown: Asst. Chief Executive, Governance and Assurance
Darren Summers: Strategic Director, Integrated Health and Care