Althea Loderick
Open data
Data about how council money is spent, our income, how staff are paid, trade unions and the gender pay gap.
Organisation structure and salary details
Download our latest Pay Policy Statement.
In line with transparency rules, we provide details about senior officer salaries in our statement of accounts (under officer remuneration). This also includes the council's salary scales.
The senior management structure provides information on council departments and our jobs.
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Senior management details
Chief Executive
Children and Adult Services
David Quirke-Thornton: Strategic Director, Children and Adult Services
- Pauline O’Hare: Director, Adult Social Care
- Alasdair Smith: Director, Children and Families
- Sangeeta Leahy: Director, Public Health
Environment, Sustainability and Leisure
Toni Ainge: Acting Strategic Director, Environment, Sustainability and Leisure
- Matt Clubb: Director, Environment
- Sophia Looney: Interim Director, Leisure
- Stephen Douglass: Director, Stronger Neighbourhoods
- Tom Sharland: Climate Change Programme Director
- Richard Spencer: Head of Performance and Delivery
- Thomas James: Head of Programmes and Change
Hakeem Osinaike: Strategic Director, Housing
- Stuart Davis: Managing Director, Southwark Construction
- Cheryl Russell Director, Resident Services
Clive Palfreyman: Strategic Director, Finance
- Tim Jones: Director, Corporate Finance
- Dominic Cain: Director, Customer and Exchequer Services
- Stephen Platts: Director, Planning and Growth
- Dionne Lowndes: Chief Digital and Technology Officer
- Caroline Watson: Chief Investment Officer
- Barry Berkengoff: Head of Pensions Operations
- Elaine McLester: Head of Procurement
Strategy and Communities
Stephen Gaskell: Asst. Chief Executive, Strategy and Communities
- Eddie Townsend: Director Communications, Engagement and Change
- Evereth Willis: Head of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
- Mairead Goodwin: Head of the Chief Executive’s Office and Executive Support
- Joseph Brown: Head of the Leader’s Office and Cabinet Office
Governance and Assurance
Doreen Forrester Brown: Asst. Chief Executive, Governance and Assurance
- Ben Plant: Director, People and Organisational Development
- Sarah Feasey: Head of Law - Communities
- Nagla Stevens: Head of Law - Property and Development
- Chidi Agada: Head of Constitutional Services
- Fran Biggs: Head of Electoral Services
- Everton Roberts: Head of Scrutiny
- Norman Coombe: Interim Specialist Lawyer – Governance
Integrated Health and Care
Darren Summers: Strategic Director, Integrated Health and Care
- Genette Laws: Director, Commissioning