
Planning checklists

Householder applications

If you're making a householder application you'll need to provide the following information. Submit all the necessary information when you apply for planning permission. 

If... You must provide... The Southwark Plan policy that asks for this Guidance
applying to develop:

- new basements or other extensive groundworks

- groundworks within an Archaeological Priority Area

Archaeological desk-based assessment P23  
making an application that includes a new basement or changes to a basement, and is in a Critical Drainage Areas for surface water flooding Basement Impact Assessment P14 and P68 Residential design standards supplementary planning document
making applications that add or remove cycle parking spaces Cycle parking drawings P53 London Cycling Design Standards - Chapter 8
- your application may affect a building in a conservation area or a listed building

- your application proposes redeveloping existing sports and leisure facilities are proposed for a different use
Design and Access Statement   Design and access statement supplementary planning document
applying for extensions or new buildings that might affect light to windows on neighbouring properties Daylight and Sunlight Impact Assessment P15 and P55 Residential design standards supplementary planning document

Fire Safety Strategy. 

Or submit a Reasonable Exception Form if the application meets all four of these criteria:

- creates no additional dwellings or commercial units 

- does not provide a new lift

- does not change external materials
- does not change internal or external communal areas that support the evacuation strategy for the property


Guidance by the Greater London Authority on the requirements of a fire safety strategy 

Download a Reasonable Exception Form template (DOCX, 18KB)

- your proposed development is within a conservation area

- your proposed development affects the setting, appearance or character of a listed building, a historic park or garden, or a scheduled ancient monument
Heritage Statement P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18, P19, P20, P21, P23, P24, P25, and P26 Heritage supplementary planning document
- your application involves the pruning or removal of existing trees

- your application involves carrying out works, including the excavation of foundations and service/utility runs, that may affect trees on site or adjoining land
Tree survey or Arboricultural Impacts Assessment P59 and P61 Trees
your application includes substantial changes to ground level on the site and relative to neighbouring properties Spot Levels and Gradients Plan P55