
Planning checklists

Find out what you'll need to provide for householder, major or minor applications.

Major and minor applications

If you're making a major or minor application you'll need to provide the following information. Submit all the necessary information when you apply for planning permission. 

If... Application type You must provide The Southwark Plan policy that asks for this Guidance
applying to develop:

- new basements or other extensive groundworks

- groundworks within an Archaeological Priority Area

Archaeological desk-based assessment P23  
making an application that includes a new basement or changes to a basement, and is in a critical drainage area for surface water flooding Householder
Basement Impact Assessment P14 and P68 Residential design standards supplementary planning document
making an application that adds or remove cycle parking spaces Householder
Cycle parking drawings P53 London Cycling Design Standards (LCDS) Chapter 8
- your application may affect a building in a conservation area or a listed building

- your application proposes redeveloping existing sports and leisure facilities for a different use
Design and Access Statement   Design and access statements supplementary planning document
applying for extensions or new buildings that might affect light to windows on neighbouring properties Householder
Daylight and Sunlight Impact Assessment P15 and P55 Residential design standards supplementary planning document

Fire Safety Strategy. 

Or submit a Reasonable Exception Form if the application meets all four of these criteria:  

- creates no additional dwellings or commercial units 

- does not provide a new lift

- does not change external materials 

- does not change internal or external communal areas that support the evacuation strategy for the property


Guidance by the Greater London Authority on the requirements of a fire safety strategy 

Download a Reasonable Exception Form template (DOCX, 18KB)

- your proposed development is within a conservation area

- your proposed development affects the setting, appearance or character of a listed building, a historic park or garden, or a scheduled ancient monument
Heritage Statement P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18, P19, P20, P21, P23, P24, P25, and P26 Heritage supplementary planning documents
- your application involves the pruning or removal of existing trees

- your application involves carrying out works, including the excavation of foundations and service/utility runs, that may affect trees on site or adjoining land
Tree survey or Arboricultural Impacts Assessment P59 and P61 Trees
your application includes substantial changes to ground level on the site and relative to neighbouring properties Householder
Spot Levels and Gradients Plan P55  
you are applying for a change larger than a house extension and in a sensitive area such as a classified road and: 

- extending an existing residential building to create a new additional home or homes

- building new homes on vacant land, including infills and new homes in gardens

- converting a non-residential building to a new home or homes

- subdividing a home to create two homes or other subdivisions

- demolishing a home or homes and rebuilding more homes

- building a new build House in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) (use class C4 or sui generis)

- converting a building from non-residential use to an HMO (use class C4 or sui generis)

- converting from an HMO (sui generis) to a home (C3)
Minor Affordable housing contribution SP1, P1, and IP3 Affordable housing payments
you are applying for a change larger than a house extension and in a sensitive area such as a classified road and: 

- making an application that includes a ramp or gradient for access and/or Blue Badge parking
Accessibility drawings P55  
your application is for more than 500 sqm of employment floorspace and may affect a building in a conservation area or a listed building Minor
Affordable Workspace Strategy P31 Workspace provider lists
applying for a minor development that: 

- creates additional car spaces

- leads to an increase in localised car journeys

- includes combustible plants such as gas boilers

- is connected to an existing heat network

- includes gas boilers with NOx emissions below 40 mg/kWh

- has new parking that does not exceed London Plan policies T6 and T6.1 to T6.5
Minor Air Quality Neutral Assessment  

GLA air quality neutral guidance

Technical guidance on air quality (PDF, 3MB)

applying to develop:

- new basements or other extensive groundworks

- groundworks within an archaeological priority area

- in a way that involves connection to foul or storm water sewers
Archaeological Evaluation Report P23  
your application is likely to negatively affect bats or their roosting, foraging or commuting habitats and:

- is within a conservation area

- affects the setting, appearance or character of a listed building, a historic park or garden, or a scheduled ancient monument
Bat survey   Refer to Natural England's standing advice for bats
  Minor Biodiversity Net Gain (small sites) P59, P60, and P61 

You'll need to submit the minimum biodiversity net gain requirements and the local requirements for all minor planning applications. There are also national requirements you need to meet. 

Further information on biodiversity net gain. 

existing small or independent businesses or small shops might be displaced by the development   Business Relocation Strategy P32 and P33 You'll need to submit a full planning application if existing small or independent businesses or small shops might be displaced by the development.
providing at least one new home Minor
Demolition/Construction Management Plan  

Refer to our Technical Guidance on Demolition and Construction (PDF, 1.4MB) There is more information available about the management of construction in Southwark.  Further guidance is set out in the Mayor’s Control of Dust and Emissions SPG.

Email us to request this document

- your application involves the loss of community facilities in predominant use by protected characteristic communities as defined by the Equality Act 2010

- your application includes substantial changes in ground level on the site and relative to neighbouring properties
Equalities Impact Assessment  SP2, P1, P7, P8, P12, P31, P33, P46, P47, and P65


Statement of community involvement

your application is likely to create an impact on transport and is on a site:

- where there is a possibility of an existing ecosystem or habitat for protected species

- on, linked to, or next to local wildlife sites or Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs)

- next to or impacting parks and open spaces

- on or near watercourses and green corridors

- affecting derelict (brownfield sites), allotments, mature gardens and railway land

- where the demolition or removal of buildings and structures, especially roof voids, will be needed
Ecological Impact Assessment P57, P59, and P60 Ecology and wildlife
your application involves connection to foul or storm water sewers and:

- involves the pruning or removal of existing trees

- involves carrying out works, including the excavation of foundations and service/utility runs, that may affect trees on site or on adjoining land 
Foul Sewage and Utilities Assessment P67  
your application proposes new vehicle parking spaces or re-providing any vehicle parking spaces and:

- is in Flood Zones 2 and 3, including minor development and changes of use

- is more than 1 hectare and in Flood Zone 1

- involves a basement extensions

- is in a Critical Drainage Area for surface water flooding

- is in Flood Zone 1 and on a site where there is a critical drainage problem as notified by the Environment Agency
Site-Specific Flood Risk Assessment P68  Flood management for developers
making an application on a brownfield site, or where the application site is known to be contaminated Minor
Land Contamination Assessment P64  
your application proposes to use external lighting, or involves works to areas with public access Minor
Lighting Assessment P55 and P66  
- your application proposes a loss of retail in shops outside of protected shopping frontages and town and local centres

- your application proposes a loss of employment in the CAZ, town centres, opportunity areas or individual development plots with Southwark Plan 2022 site allocations where employment re-provision is required

- your application proposes a loss of pubs, community facilities, cultural facilities, and health facilities anywhere in the borough
Marketing statement P30, P38, P42, P45, P46, and P47  
your development might impact the navigation of vessels along the tidal Thames, or interact with vessels such as a pier or jetty Minor
Navigational Risk Assessment P25  
- applying for a noise-sensitive development that is likely to be affected by an existing source of noise

- the development has a noise-intensive use such as a gym, nightclub or social venues

- the development involves installation of any plant or other equipment that might generate significant noise
Noise Impact Assessment P55 Environmental protection
- your application would generate residential or commercial waste

- your proposal requires an Environmental Impact Assessment

- your planned development is eligible for all development on Schedule 1

- your development is on Schedule 2 as set out in the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017
  Refuse Storage and Collection Strategy P61  
your application proposes one or more new residential units, including changing a house to flats Minor
Schedule of Accommodation  P1, P2, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, and P55 Residential design standards SPD
your application is for a development where existing sports and leisure facilities are proposed to be redeveloped for a different use, and proposes industrial floorspace, including for:

- research and development 

- light industrial 

- general industrial 

- storage and distribution 
Sport and Leisure Facilities Assessment P45


Sport and physical activity strategy

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your application is likely to create an impact on transport and:

- proposes tall buildings of over 30m or over 25m in the Thames Special Policy Area

- proposes buildings significantly higher than surrounding buildings or their emerging context, even if less than 30m or 25m in the Thames Special Policy Area

- is on a site where the council has advised that microclimate impacts are anticipated during construction
Transport Assessment P12, P35, P36, P45, P48, P49, P50, P51, P52, P53, P54, and P55  
your application proposes new vehicle parking spaces or re-providing any vehicle parking spaces Minor
Vehicle parking drawings P54  
your application is for non-residential development where ventilation or extraction equipment is proposed or will be required Minor
Ventilation or Extraction Statement P34, P47, P55, P64, P65, P68 The assessment should be carried out in line with the British Standard BS4142 (Method for Rating Industrial Noise Affecting Mixed Residential and Industrial Areas).
your building work has 9 new homes or fewer and the fast-track route is not being followed Minor Viability Appraisal (for 9 new homes or fewer) SP1, P1, IP3, P9

Further information on viability appraisals.

Viability appraisal supplementary planning documents.

making any major development application that provides housing Major Affordable Housing Statement  

We provide a detailed accommodation schedule that applicants must complete

Affordable housing SPD 

making any major development application Major Biodiversity net gain P59, P60, and P61 


Further information on biodiversity net gain

making any major development application Major Delivery and Servicing Management Plan P16, P44, P48, P49, P61, P63, P64, and P65 Refer to TfL’s Delivery and Servicing Plan Guidance
making any major development application Major Development Consultation Charter Documents SP2, P1, P7, P8, P12, P31, P33, P46, P47, and P65 


Statement of community involvement

making any major development application Major Draft Heads of Terms for Section 106 agreement IP3


Section 106 and CIL SPD

proposals requiring an Environmental Impact Assessment
development eligible for all development on Schedule 1,
all development on Schedule 2 as set out in the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017
Major Educational Needs Assessment P27

Refer to Southwark’s Pupil Place Planning Report

Email us to request this document

the development contains two or more dwellings, or educational accommodation; and meets the height condition (18m or more in height, or 7 or more storeys, whichever is reached first) Major Fire Statement London Plan 2021 Policy D12 (B)

Refer to further guidance by the Greater London Authority on the requirements of a Fire Statement

Refer to further guidance on London Plan policy D12 (B)

Further information on fire statements

making any major development application Major Landscaping Details P59, P60 and P61

Trees and plants species palette to inform the planting schedule.

Email us to request this document

Where trees are proposed in engineered pits, confirm the sustainable soil volumes. These should be in connected trenches where possible. 

Your application proposes industrial floorspace, including for:

- research and development (E(g)(ii)

- light industrial (E(g)(iii)

- general industrial (B2)

- storage and distribution (B8)
Major Industrial Specification Requirements  P29

Old Kent Road Area Action Plan 

Email us to request this document

making any major development application Major Jobs and Training Specification - Construction and completed development P28 Section 106 and CIL SPD
your application:

- proposes tall buildings of over 30m or over 25m in the Thames Special Policy Area

- proposes buildings significantly higher than surrounding buildings or their emerging context, even if less than 30m or 25m in the Thames Special Policy Area

- is on a site where the council has advised that microclimate impacts are anticipated during construction
Major Micro-Climate Assessment  P17  
making any major development application Major Movement Plan drawing P53  
making any major development application Major Demolition/Construction Management Plan (D/CEMP) P16, P44, P48, P49, P61, P63, P64, and P65 Construction: noise, vibration, and dust limits
making any major development application Major Equalities Impact Assessment  SP2, P1, P7, P8, P12, P31, P33, P46, P47, and P65 Statement of community involvement
making any major development application Major Ecological Impact Assessment P57, P59, and P60 Ecology and wildlife
your major application includes providing new plant equipment Major Noise Impact Assessment (additional information about plant equipment) P55 Technical environmental guidance
your application is for a site within the Old Kent Road Opportunity Area boundary Major Old Kent Road Schedule of Development form    
- your application is for a development over 2,500 sqm GIA of retail space (Use Class E(a), (b), (c) and Class F2(a))

- your application might displace small shops

Retail Statement   P32 and P35  
your application proposes supporting housing and hostels
Staffing and Management Plan (for supporting housing and hostels) P10  
your application proposes student accommodation
Student Management Plan P5   
making any major development application Major Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) proforma P68 Refer to Greater London Authority (GLA) guidance

Flood management for developers
making any major development application Major Trip Generation Report   P45, P49, and P50 Refer to Landscape Institute and Department for Transport's guidance
your application has a floor space over 1,000 sqm and provides main town centre uses outside of town and local centres Major Townscape Visual Impact Assessment P17, P19, P20, P21, P22, P24, and P25  
your major application provides main town centre uses outside of town and local centres Major Town centre impact assessment P36 Guidance on planning for retail and other town centre uses
making any major development application Major 3D Massing Model P13, P14, P15, and P17 Development viability SPD
your major application is for a site within the Old Kent Road Opportunity Area boundary Major Ventilation or Extraction Statement P34, P47, P55, P64, P65, P68 Technical environmental guidance
making any major development application Major Viability Appraisal SP1, P1, IP3 Development viability SPD