
Affordable housing delivery

Affordable housing is monitored to make sure it is built and managed as we agreed with developers and housing associations.

The amount of affordable housing in Southwark

To find out how many affordable homes are in Southwark (excluding our own), we survey registered providers of affordable housing in Southwark each year. 

We did our first survey in 2016 and annually since 2021. The annual survey starts in March and covers the previous financial year. Survey results are typically published in the summer.

The latest data available is from the 2022/23 survey. The survey for 2023/24 is underway.

We ask the registered providers for the:

  • number of social rented homes
  • number of intermediate homes
  • number of affordable homes, where the S106 agreement does not specify whether it's social rented or a different type
  • number of bedrooms in the homes
  • number of accessible homes
  • rental levels of the affordable homes
  • diversity of the people living in the affordable homes

Developers must submit details on each completed affordable home.

They must also submit details of any change in the type of affordable home. For example, if a social rented home changes to another type of housing. Or, if a shared ownership home is now fully owned by the original buyer.

New S106 agreement templates require developers to complete an affordable housing survey to provide detailed information to the council.

View the latest registered provider survey results