
Preventing crime

Find out about the work we do to prevent crime in the borough.

Southwark Community Safety Partnership

A Community Safety Partnership (CSP) is made up of 5 organisations: 

  • local council
  • police
  • health partners
  • probation services
  • fire and rescue authorities   

CSPs were introduced as part of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998.

What a CSP must do 

A CSP must formulate and implement strategies to tackle crime and disorder issues in the local area.

CSP priorities in Southwark

In Southwark, the CSP’s 5 priorities are:

  • tackling violence against women and girls and promoting women’s safety
  • reducing and preventing violence and vulnerability
  • reducing drug-related harm
  • increasing trust and confidence in policing
  • creating safe and sociable estates and neighbourhoods

The CSP plan and priorities have been developed from: