Preventing crime
We have safeguarding boards that work together to reduce crime in Southwark. The boards are partnerships made up of:
- the council
- police
- fire service
- probation service
But we all have a duty to prevent crime. We must take precautions to protect ourselves and our property.
The Metropolitan Police website provides advice on:
- protecting your home from crime
- protecting yourself from crime
- keeping vehicles safe
- protecting your business from crime
London Fire Brigade provides advice on:
Designing out crime
There's a link between design and crime.
Careful attention to the planning of towns, buildings, and housing estates can help reduce crime. Design can also help reduce antisocial behaviour and the fear of crime.
We work with the police to make sure our developments and buildings are as safe as possible.
We've used police expertise on many projects, including small lighting schemes, public space CCTV, and major regeneration projects.
The local police crime prevention design adviser visits our planning offices weekly. They discuss the security and safety of planning applications.
Every planning application must include security measures to keep homes and businesses free from crime.
Look at recent guidance from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.
Developers must speak to the police to make sure new developments include crime prevention schemes. This is a requirement of our Southwark Plan.
Read our guidance on good design in Southwark.