
Extra early help

Our Family Early Help service is for families who need more support than the universal early help services can give them.

Who you can refer

Each area of the service has different eligibility criteria for referral. 

The criteria is different for schools. Check how to refer if you're school staff.

Family Early Help: 'whole family' service

You can refer a family for extra early help if 3 of the following apply. The:

  • parents and children are involved in crime or anti-social behaviour

  • children have not been attending school regularly

  • children need help

  • adults are out of work or at risk of financial exclusion or young people are at risk of worklessness

  • families are affected by domestic violence and abuse

  • parents and children have a range of health problems

Family Early Help: education inclusion service

You can refer:

  • permanently excluded children and young people
  • children and young people at risk of permanent exclusion
  • children and young people with persistent non-attendance
  • schools seeking managed moves to prevent permanent exclusion
  • children and young people missing education
Family Early Help: parenting

You can refer anyone with a child or young person under 18 who needs targeted help in managing a child or young person’s behaviour.