
Extra early help

Our Family Early Help service is for families who need more support than the universal early help services can give them.

Parenting service

We want every child in Southwark to grow up in a supportive and understanding family.

Our parenting programmes are for parents and caregivers of children up to age 19. They help them develop the skills they need to create resilient and nurturing families.

The programmes have been developed based on latest research and direct feedback from families. 

Our team makes sure families get the right support at the right time, with expertise tailored to their specific circumstances.

Our programmes

We offer the following programmes for parents:

  • Strengthening Families, Strengthening Communities which aims to build resilience and community bonds in a family
  • Empowering Parents, Empowering Communities which is peer-led and promotes shared learning and support
  • Father’s Group Work Programme for male caregivers, emphasising good parenting and the role of fathers

Information for professionals

We'll support you to deliver specific, effective practices to parents of children and young people, whether in one-to-one sessions or in groups. Topics include:

  • parental responsibility
  • family relationships
  • how to reduce the impact of adverse childhood experiences
  • building parental capacity and resilience
  • promoting engagement with education
  • preventing offending behaviour by young people