
Help us build our collections

We’re always looking for new additions to our collections. Your records contribute to Southwark’s history, capturing the narratives of our communities.

What we do with your donation or deposit

Cataloguing and storage

We carefully organise and catalogue the records you provide. A catalogue is a detailed guide to a collection that helps people find information easily.

We’ll store your records in special containers, in conditions that keep them usable for as long as possible. They will be available in our searchroom and we’ll answer questions people have about them for you.

We may not have space for all of your items. We’ll make a choice based on:

  • uniqueness
  • condition
  • historical significance

If we cannot accept certain items, we’ll ask you what you want us to do with them. In some cases, we may destroy or return unwanted donations.


Copyright usually runs for the creator’s lifetime plus 70 years. It can pass down to someone else when the creator dies. 

If you or a family member created your records, you may own the copyright. You do not automatically give up copyright when you give or loan records to us. 

If we get a request for reproduction we’ll speak to you about your options.

If you have any questions, email

Restricted access

We respect the sensitivity of personal information. We can agree to restrict access to certain records for a period of time.

The law says that we have to close some kinds of records to protect the privacy of people mentioned in them. Some kinds of records are closed for 100 years. Closed records cannot be accessed by the public.

Visiting your collections

If you’ve loaned or given us any records, let us know if you plan to visit Southwark Archives. If you want to view your own records, we’ll make sure they’re ready for you.

Plan your visit to Southwark Archives.