
Non-residential facts and figures

This guide contains annually updated tables and information on non-residential spaces delivery from 2022 to 2024.

Employment approvals


The figures for approved floorspace include planning consents other than those permitted through prior approval.



Net employment floorspace approved in minor schemes by financial year (sqm)
  E(g)(i) E(g)(ii) E(g)(iii) B2 B8 Sui Generis (employment-generating) Total
Financial Year Net Net Net Net Net Net Net
2022-23 -1,880 356 -375 -76 -422 -187 -1,567
2023- 24 -111 274 -368 -694 -2,225 -1,312 -4,277


Gross employment floorspace approved in minor schemes by financial year (sqm)
  E(g)(i) E(g)(ii) E(g)(iii) B2 B8 Sui Generis (employment-generating) Total



Gross Gross Gross Gross Gross Gross Gross
2022-23 1,950 379 1,791 0  739 184 5,043
2023- 24 927 356 1,471 776 163 286 3,979


Net employment floorspace approved in major schemes by financial year (sqm)
  E(g)(i) E(g)(ii) E(g)(iii) B2 B8 Sui Generis (employment-generating) Total
Financial year Net Net Net Net Net Net Net
2022-23 35,694 -228 584 0 0 1,619 63,397
2023- 24 22,394 1,419 3,212 4,019 3,847 0 38,856


Gross employment floorspace approved in major schemes by financial year (sqm)
  E(g)(i) E(g)(ii) E(g)(iii) B2 B8 Sui Generis (employment-generating) Total



Gross Gross Gross Gross Gross Gross Gross
2022-23 82,860 1,760 2,572 0 0 1,389 88,581
2023-24 71,760 1,867 5,263 4,187 5,063 0 88,140