
Non-residential facts and figures

This guide contains annually updated tables and information on non-residential spaces delivery from 2022 to 2024.

Retail, leisure and community spaces completions

This section shows the figures for completed floorspace including planning consents other than those permitted through prior approval.

Practical completion or substantial completion is the point at which a building project is complete, except for minor defects.


Net completions of minor schemes involving retail, leisure and community floorspace by financial year (sqm)
  E(a) E(b) E(c) E(d) E(e) E(f) Sui Generis F Total



Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net
2022-23 -1,254 153 -44 879 619 74 246 311 984
2023-24 -468 604 -218 50 15 1,032 395 -9 1,402


Gross completions of minor schemes involving retail, leisure and community floorspace by financial year (sqm)
  E(a) E(b) E(c) E(d) E(e) E(f) Sui Generis F Total



Gross Gross Gross Gross Gross Gross Gross Gross Gross
2022-23 341 624 79 991 631 677 552 1,031 4,926
2023-24 146 235 501 93 1,032 539 863 0 3,410
Net completions of major schemes involving retail, leisure and community floorspace by financial year (sqm)
  E(a) E(b) E(c) E(d) E(e) E(f) Sui Generis F Total
Financial year Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net
2022-23 2,506 47 456 1,641 50 50 0 -1,091 3,658
2023-24 121 208 0 0 0 875 -1,017 18,397 18,210
Gross completions of major schemes involving retail, leisure and community floorspace by financial year (sqm)
  E(a) E(b) E(c) E(d) E(e) E(f) Sui Generis F Total



Gross Gross Gross Gross Gross Gross Gross Gross Gross
2022-23 2,506 47 456 3,232 50 50 0 2,448 8,788
2023-24 345 224 224 224 2,687 224 0 458 4,386