
The Aylesham Centre

Find out about plans for new housing, public spaces and shops. How we're supporting local traders and ensuing community benefits.

New housing

The Aylesham Centre development will create around 850 high-quality, new homes. This number was set by the Government’s Planning Inspector as part of the Examination in Public (EiP) of the Southwark Plan. 

The homes will be in a number of buildings, up to 20 storeys high.

35% of the new homes will be affordable housing. 

25% of the total will be at social rents. 10% will be intermediate housing, including shared ownership and a number that we want to be managed by a Community Land Trust.

At least 60% of the homes will be two bed and above. 20% of the total will be three-bed and above (as required by Southwark Plan Policy P2 Family Homes).

All housing must meet minimum space standards and provide private and communal amenity space (as set out in Southwark Plan Policy P15 Residential Design).

All the affordable homes are secured in perpetuity within a Section 106 agreement.

Read about our housing targets for the borough.