
Past election results

We publish the results of recent general elections, local elections, by-elections and referendums.

2007 Riverside ward by-election

Riverside by-election

Anood Al-Samerai was elected as a councillor for the Riverside ward. The by-election was prompted by the resignation of Paul Baichoo (Liberal Democrat).

Election date: 13 December 2007

Election details:

  • ballot papers counted: 2,248
  • rejected ballots: 12
  • turnout: 24.7%

Riverside by-election results

Name Party Votes
AL-SAMERAI, Anood  Liberal Democrat 1114
HOLLINGSWORTH, Cormac Labour 691
BHANSALI, Rahoul  Conservative 260
PENFOLD, Amanda  Green 122
GRACE, Fernando  UKIP 49